Part 10: Full-Body Workout (+18)

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"I am satisfied with the amount of data we have collected. It's clear this device's main purpose is repopulation, however the spike in your Testosterone levels have increased exponentially. Have you been experiencing any adverse effects?" Azmuth asks me as he has me sat down on a table with my shirt off. He was examining my physical and mental health.

Apparently one of the first prototypes, well before the first one Ben had, caused some rather extreme mental instability in the user. He was doing this checkup because, in his words, he wants to ensure I can keep wielding it without adverse effects.

Miku and Grace had been helping him assess me. Though honestly I feel their intentions are far from concerns of physical health...

"You feel so warm~" I deadpan as Grace has seated herself in my lap.

"I can't say for sure. What effects would be normal? Or Abnormal in this case." I spoke as Azmuth brought up some charts. I saw some graphs some larger than others by quite a fair margin.

"Effects of increased Testosterone production can lead to irritation, aggression and an increase in libido. As well as increased muscle mass. Does any of this sound familiar?" I groan out at the frog mans words nodding.

"You ticked every box there doc. So what do we do about it?" I ask as I help Grace off my lap much to her dismay as she pouted at me. I pat her head gently as I wait for Azmuth to give me some countermeasures.

"Mate with the girls of course."

"And all of my respect for you went down the drain frog man." Azmuth rolls his eyes at my words as he tossed me my Plumber's badge. I notice that he's managed to access some archive sections but other than that it's more of a mystery to me than the device on my wrist.

"I said it before and I'll say it again. This device is increasing your body's sexual chemistry specifically to help you mate with these women. If you keep ignoring it the heightened Testosterone and other similar chemicals will start to poison your body. Chemical imbalance is dangerous. And based off your medical records you already had an abnormally high level of Testosterone before you snagged the watch. My advice would be to release your aggression and tension with these women." He said as I looked at him like he was a man man... Mad frog... Yeah, mad frog.

"But that sounds-"

"Scummy? Yes it would for your species. You lot and your skewed moral identities. Listen well boy. You need to realise that these women are here to help you, you aren't using them. In reality they are using you. Humans had a long history of slavery and similar concepts. Hell it's still a practice today on your planet, you've just hidden it behind signed contracts and fancy wording. It's time to understand these women and how their cultures influence them." He hops off his chair and walks up to me as he gazes up at me rubbing his weird tentacle beard things.

"Hmm, how about I give you a mission? Mate with three girls you haven't mated with. Understand their needs and their people and participate in their practices. Do this and I'll have some gear ready for you upon your return. Not only can we decrease your dangerously high testosterone levels we can also gather more data on how the watch transfers the children to this other universe."

"Wait hold up we're doing tests on unborn alien children!? Thats fucked!" I shout as he looks up at me with a smirk. I flinch a bit faltering as he huffed.

"Already taking a fatherly role? I'm not surprised. Understand we are observing a passing of creature consciousness to another universe. So we can replicate it and make a breach large enough for matter to travel through. And don't try to flex your species morality to me. Your kind tests its drugs on animals and children. Entire hospitals dedicated to it." I flinch once more hearing him say that. He's not wrong and that's what pisses me off.

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