Part 7: Why Am I Here?

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"Who's dumbass idea was it to take the hatchery waterways, seriously don't we have any creatures that have stealth capabilities?" I ask as we dive under yet another grate. It smells horrible. Like seriously I'm about to throw up. Ben turns to me shaking his head. There is one for you... But the less you use it the better." He explained in a rather cryptic way.

From what I gather this particular alien caused Ben quite a bit of trouble when he was younger. Though I want to trust him I'm genuinely curious. Better for me to stay away. At least for now.

"This feels so disgusting honestly." Gwen said as she kicks her leg a bit. It feels like we're walking on some form of sludge or slime. With some weird squishy bits. It was a bit unnerving. I then feel something brushing past my leg as I stop. The others also stop as they look at me.

"You good?"

"I felt something brush against my leg..."

"Could just be a fish dude, it is a hatchery."

"Then why is it wrapping around my shin...?"


Suddenly I'm pulled into the water along with Gwen. I gasp for air inhaling water instead. I felt it fill my lungs as my body convulses. I needed to get out of here. I push for the surface but whatever pulled me under has friends as I'm being pinned down. My lungs burn as I reach for my watch. I spin the dial cycling for anything that can help me. I land on an odd looking creature as I waste no time slamming the disk down. In a pink flash I feel the creatures being ripped from me as the water started to fill my lungs again now through small gills on the side of my neck. The water is filtered out allowing me to breathe. 

I take in as much as I can as my eyes slowly adjust to a large figure tearing apart these small face hugger looking mother fuckers. Though my eyes turn to Gwen who is still being held down. I swim over with new energy as I start tearing them off her as she uses her energy blasts to free herself. I push her back to the surface as I too emerge.

"We saw the flash, are you two ok?" Kevin asked helping us up a bit. Ben moved closer seeing the gills. "Dude good choice with Ripjaws. It's a Piscciss Volann, they're great for anything underwater." He said as I see a large figure in the water jetting it for me as it breaches the water letting me see the alien I summoned.

"Dude~! My master is so Hot!"

I feel her crash into me as I groan now underwater again

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I feel her crash into me as I groan now underwater again. I gaze at her and she looked very interesting, her body was covered in sharp scales as she pulled me close squeezing the life out of me. We slowly emerge as I'm now being cuddled by a giant fish woman. Is it weird I've had weirder moments?

"Well she definitely looks different. So what you thinking for her? Aqua or something?" Kevin asked as I shook my head. It was too simple. "Honestly after first impressions?"

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