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Stefania POV

I sat there for a moment before my phone went off. I furrowed my brows as I pulled it out of my pocket before seeing a familiar name pop up on my screen.

I laughed as I stood up and turned to look at Pippa as I excused myself, "I have to take this, I will be right back though".

She nodded and I wandered down the hall towards my little office space. I walked in and shut my door before plopping down in my office chair as I answered the call.

"Ciao", I greet to one of my favourite people in the entire world.

"STEFANIA!!!", she yelled making me laugh a little as she asked, "What're you doing right this exact moment?".

"Well Aubrey, I am hanging out with my mamma and my sister", I tell her and she groaned a little.

"Why Aubrey?", I ask curiously even though I feel like I know what she wants and she sighed a little.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to go for a coffee date, but you're busy so I'll bother someone else", she says and I let out a small chuckle.

"I would've, if my mom didn't already yell at me for working tomorrow night", I tell her and she went quiet.

"Aubrey?", I ask kind of scared of her going dead quiet.

"Yeah yeah, sorry. You work tomorrow night?!", she says as she questions me.

"Yes I do, why what're you plotting?", I ask while rolling my eyes and she chuckled evilly to herself.

"Aubrey Christina Plaza, what're you plotting?", I ask again full naming her making her gasp at her full name.

"Well Stefania Alessia Castillo, I wasn't plotting anything in specific. I was going to just say that I was going to invite some good friends of mine. I mean if that's cool with you", she says and I smiled a little.

"Yeah yeah, that's cool with me Aubrey. Just let me know how many so I can make sure Henry knows how many plus ones of yours to expect", I tell her and she went quiet a little.

"It might just me and my one best friend, and maybe Jeff. Only because I don't know who all is in Los Angeles or who all will be in Los Angeles this weekend", she says and I nodded a little.

"Of course, of course. That's fine with me Aub", I tell her before hearing my mom walking down the hall.

"Well I have to go, as mom will get mad at me for being on the phone and not hanging out with them while they are here", I tell her before we both said goodbye.

I swiftly hung up before standing up from my chair and walking quickly to my door. I opened it just as my mom went to knock.

"Stefania, that better not have been work", she says whilst pointing a finger at me and I chuckled a little.

"It was not, it was just a friend of mine. I just needed a little privacy for the call", I tell her and she nodded a little.

I walked past my mom and made my way back towards my sister in the kitchen. I smiled softly at my sister as I went to open the fridge. I pulled out a bottle of cold brew before grabbing my creamer.

I shut the fridge with my foot and put both bottles down on the island. I turned to grab a glass from the cabinet, I reached up and grabbed a glass before shutting the cabinet.

I put the glass down on the counter and opened the freezer drawer before grabbing the ice tray. I put it down before popping out about five ice cubes.

I slipped them into the glass before putting the ice back and uncapping my bottle of cold brew. I slowly poured about two thirds of a glass of cold brew before capping the bottle back up.

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