𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚠𝚘

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October 2nd, 2022

Stefania POV

I woke up to the sun peering in through the curtains, I groaned a little as I felt as if the sun was burning my eyelids. I flipped over to my side to face away from the curtains before hearing a soft whimper from the floor.

I lifted my head to see Winnie sitting there with her leash in her mouth and a sad puppy pout look in her eyes. I looked over to see Elizabeth snuggled up in the bed still, I looked back at Winnie before sitting up.

"Okay Winnie, we will go", I whisper as I was trying my best to not wake up the sleeping beauty beside me.

I slowly got out of bed before walking over to grab running things, I grabbed a pair of shorts, boxers and my one sports bra.

I stripped out of my pyjamas and into my running clothes before slipping on socks and grabbing my runners. I calmly walked into the bathroom to pee, brush my teeth and my hair before heading out of the room.

I quickly went to the washroom before flushing and washing my hands. I opened the drawer and took out my hair brush before brushing my hair and throwing it up as best as I can. I put my hair brush back away before grabbing my tooth paste and tooth brush.

I quickly dabbed on some before brushing my teeth and humming to a song that I had stuck in my head whilst brushing. I spat and rinsed my mouth before patting my mouth dry.

I walked back out and grabbed my runners before tapping my thigh to indicate Winnie to follow me. Winnie came trotting behind me as we both made our way out of the room.

I gently shut the door behind us before we headed towards the stairs. Winnie held onto her leash this entire time as we both made our way down.

I stopped at the bottom and sat down to slip on my shoes. She sat in front of me before spitting her leash onto the floor.

I laughed a little as I tied my last lace before grabbing it, I stood up and grabbed her harness.

"Winnie sit", I say calmly before wrapping her into her harness and clipping her leash on.

I grabbed my house key before opening the front door. I stepped out first before Winnie and shut the door as she sat beside me.

I locked up the villa before clipping my keys with the carabiner onto her leash. I nodded at Winnie and we both walked down the driveway to get ready to start our run. I didn't plan on being gone for long, but at the same time it's been a while since I had gone for a run.

- - -

Elizabeth POV

I woke up to the sun beating into the room, causing my eyes to squint a little due to the burning sensation of the sun. I flipped onto my stomach and burrowed my face into my pillow before feeling around for Stefania.

I felt an empty space beside me making me lift my head to realize that I was indeed alone. I slumped a little before sighing.

"She's probably downstairs making Winnie breakfast or had to let her out", I thought to myself as I remember hearing whining not that long ago.

I hummed a little before deciding to just get up, I couldn't fall back asleep and honestly I needed a coffee. I pushed myself up to sit on my elbows before looking around for any signs of where she had gone.

I shrugged a little and got out of bed. I sleepily walked into the bathroom before deciding to jump into the shower to wake up and help relax my body after a long night.

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