𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎

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January 6th, 2023

Elizabeth POV

The minute I got inside my house from Stefania dropping me off, my phone began ringing with Clayton's name. I smiled brightly as I answered his call.

"LIZZIE, ARE YOU HOME YET?!", he yelled into the phone, no greeting, nothing.

"Hey I'm doing good, thank you for asking. And literally just walked in the door", I tell him back as I roll my eyes and put my luggage off to the side.

"Good because I am on my way over and we're going for coffee", he says before hanging up and I groaned a little.

I picked up my suitcase and carried it carefully upstairs before plopping it in my room. I looked at myself in the mirror and felt disgusting. I wanted to shower, but he'd be here any minute.

"I'll just change and shower when I get home", I thought to myself as I made my way into my closet.

I pulled together a lazy but comfortable outfit. Leggings and an oversized sweatshirt. I stripped out of my flight clothes and into my new fresher clothes before hearing the front door be thrown open.

I walked out of my closet before spritzing on some of my perfume as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I heard Clay knock before he entered making me shake my head at him.

"I'm sorry, I know you probably just got home. We don't have to go out for coffee, but we do need to start discussing my wedding because I am freaking out here", he says and I laughed a little at him.

"So when are you both thinking?", I ask and he smiled softly.

"July 3rd is when we're planning it. I want a summer wedding so badly and I think it would be more fun that way", he says and I nod a little.

"Okay sounds fun to me, we can discuss more at coffee. I have no idea if Robbie has been buying groceries or what while I have been away and I don't feel like being here when him and Rachel come back", I tell him as I grabbed my purse and phone.

"Where shall we go for coffee?", he asks and I shrugged.

"I have no idea, honestly wherever will be fine", I tell him as we made our way out of my room.

"How was New Years in Italy?", he asks and I bit down on my lip.

"Let's just say there may be a possibility that I might be pregnant coming your wedding", I tell him and he jumped for joy before he looked at me.

"But you and Robbie haven't announced?", he says and I looked at him with an oh well look.

"You both don't care if there's rumours?", he asks and I shook my head.

"From my understanding Robbie was seen over the holidays with Rachel. He admitted to us being in an open-marriage to cover his ass which is fine and dandy with me. But at the same time I am waiting for him to actually announce because I won't, I'll speak the truth on why we divorced, but I won't be the one to go to the press", I tell him and he nodded a little.

. . .

January 8th, 2023

I woke up to the abrupt sound of things being slammed around, I was a little confused on what was going on. I looked at my phone and didn't see any texts, or hear any yelling. So I had no idea if it was Robbie or if someone broke in.

I went to text him to figure out if it was him before calling the cops. The second I typed in, "Are you at the house?". I heard him yell something.

I got off my bed and made my way to my door before slowly opening it. I didn't know what was going on.

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