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Elizabeth POV 

I won't lie, I found it very hot that she got protective over me and slightly threatened Robbie. I was in awe of the entire thing before I felt someone look at me.

I looked to see it was Robbie before he said, "Uh we will talk on Sunday, I think we need to discuss everything in private and like Miss Coppola said we should keep our divorce quiet".

I just nodded as I had nothing to say before he scurried out with the girl in tow, I watched as Henry followed behind them. Probably to make sure they leave.

I wrapped my arms around Stefania before she moved to scoop me up in her arms. I smiled as she held onto my thighs and my dress as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Please tell Aubrey we will join them soon. I'm bringing her to the outdoor patio for air", Stefania tells Pippa and before Pippa responded saying, "Will do".

I looked at Pippa as Stefania carried me away before I mouthed thank you to her and she smiled a little.

I had no idea where Stefania was taking me, I couldn't really tell. The only thing I knew was she was carrying me up a set of stairs.

"Stefania you can put me down", I tell her and she laughed a little.

"Nope", she says popping the p and I rolled my eyes.

"Amore, please put me down", I say as I looked at her and she smiled brightly before sighing.

"Fine I will bambina", she says before softly putting me down.

I smiled as I intertwined our hands before she led me towards a door that I hadn't seen before. It was close to her office, but I didn't really pay attention to there being another door.

She opened the door before guiding me in, I looked around and realized it was a little apartment. I smiled as I remembered she told me she stays here sometimes when she needs away from her family.

"This way", she says getting my attention as she popped open a patio door.

I stepped out of the door and smiled as she stepped out behind me.

"Welcome to my little oasis, no one knows that this apartment or patio exists", she tells me as she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and kissed my shoulder.

I hummed a little as I moved my head to the side before looking at her. She smiled a little before I pouted out my lips a little.

She moved her one hand to my cheek before kissing me softly. I smiled as she kissed me before we both separated a little.

"So how are you feeling?", she asks and I hummed a little.

"I'd be better if you'd kiss me again", I say and she rolled her eyes before spinning me to face her.

"Oh really?", she asks and I nodded while biting on my lip.

I moved my hands to her neck before she placed hers on my lower back. I looked at her with a soft expression as she leaned down and kissed me.

I hummed as I felt her tongue on my lower lip, but I refused. She pulled me closer to her and I pulled back from the kiss.

She had a soft look in her eyes as I kissed her again, she swooped me into her arms making me laugh into the kiss as she pulled back.

"What?", I ask and she smiled a little.

"Nothing", she whispered before carrying me back inside.

I was confused until she sat down, I moved my legs before resting on my shins as I sat on her lap. Her hands went to rest on my thighs under the slits of my dress and I cupped her face.

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