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hi it's me...

so as a little treat because it's technically a long weekend here, i wanted to treat you all to two chapters a day...

this is kind of a way to push out this story as much as possible, get it caught up faster. i have so far written over forty chapters and it's up to about sixty with ideas before it hits where i left off with midnight x f.p

so as a treat and a thank you for supporting my story, here is the beginning of a long weekend of double chapters and then back to our regular scheduled programme.

so yeah, enjoy the lovely eight chapters you are getting and i'll see y'all on the 24th with the next chapter or two ;)

- kay

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September 22nd, 2022

Stefania POV

I woke up to the obnoxious sound of my alarm clock going off. I groaned as I reached for my phone to turn off the alarm.

I sighed as I slowly sat up in bed before looking at my phone to see it was six in the morning, I have to drive to LAX in about half an hour to be there for seven thirty to pick up Frankie.

She decided to book a red eye and I want to hurt her for that. I mean I won't actually hurt her because she's doing me a huge favour, but at the same time why on earth would you book a red eye on a Thursday?!

She easily could've booked an one way flight for later in the day, but no she wanted to get out here as soon as possible. So she didn't care that she had a layover in Dallas prior to flying here.

But I'm glad she's flying out today, versus tomorrow because I have to give her a run down of everything. So today is going to be a long day of well everything.

I'll pick her up, then we'll go for breakfast at one of my favourite brunch spots. Then we'll probably head over to the club and I'll give her a tour, then the run down of how things work here.

I want her to be able to run the show tomorrow, so the plan is to get her comfortable enough that she'll take charge immediately. Obviously I will be around to help, but if she's running this club for a few weeks she needs to be able to handle everything.

So my plot was to try to convince Elizabeth to get a group of people together. I want it to see how well Frankie can handle Los Angeles celebs versus the rare New York City ones that come in.

I mean her most popular ones that come in are the Olsen Twins and the rare sightings of other celebrities. But it's mostly just the average New Yorker that goes to her venue.

But here, everyone comes here because of how low-key it is. So many come here because no one cares and plus my team is good with keeping them out of the limelight. We've never had a group of paparazzi outside of our venue, we've never had the press shouting outside unlike other Los Angeles clubs.

I looked at my phone to see a text from my sister that she must've sent while I was asleep. I smiled as I read her little good night text that she always sends no matter what.

I decided to text back a simple good morning text which will have her in a what the fuck mindset as I never wake up before nine in the morning. I left my conversations and went to Instagram before scrolling endlessly for a few minutes.

I smiled when I landed on one that Anastasia posted of Florence and Aurora. It was a very cute photo, and honestly I could see a resemblance in the two of them. They had the same smile and a few other similarities.

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