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Stefania POV

She slowly moved her hips, but froze when she felt my hard on pressing against her ass. I decided to slip my hand into her sweats and tease her. I could feel her wetness dripping out of her.

I smiled to myself at the feeling of her warm juices leaking out as I cupped her pussy. I slipped two fingers in before slowly pumping in and out while kissing her neck.

"B...baby", she moans quietly, turning her head and kissing me.

She turns around so that she is now pressed against the railing before she wraps her hands around my neck kissing me harder. I smiled into the kiss as I continued to pump my fingers in her, making her moan and groan into the kiss.

I slipped my hand out of her sweats and looked into her eyes, as I placed my hands on the hem of her sweats. She nods so I slowly pull them off of her and tossed them back into our room. I sat on the ground in front of the railing and turned her so she can still watch the sunset as I pleasure her.

She looks down at me and shakes her head as I pulled her hips closer to me. I sat up slightly to a squat. 

I grabbed her ass and squeezed it causing her to moan as I lightly smacked each ass cheek. I moved my hands before separating her thighs and pulling her closer to my face.

I licked up her wet pussy, tasting her sweet cum making me instantly want to just devour her but also wanting to savour every moment. She leans forward onto the railing giving me more access and I smirked against her. 

I realized sitting like this will end up becoming a bad idea for my legs, so I quickly tapped her thighs and moved to a small stool. I sat down on the stool and pulled her back.

"B-baby", she moans and pulls away for a second before leading me to the room.

"I don't care for the sunset", she says and I look at her with a smile. She grabs onto the hem of my sweats and I nod, she pulls them down and I step out of them.

She quickly locks the door as I locked the secret entrance. She turned to walk back over before stripping her tank top off as she walks over. I stripped my tee off and she smiles as she wraps her arms around the nape of my neck.

I feel my dick rub against her wet core, making me groan into the kiss. I moved us to the desk and sit her down on the edge. I grabbed a pillow to kneel on before I lifted her thighs over my shoulder and begin to lick up her wetness and suck on her clit making her moan.

"Stefania baby", she moans and I smile.

She reaches down and moves my head to where she needs me most and I look up at her. She lifted her hips a little bit as I begin to spelt my name with my tongue on her wet clit making her shudder and tremble as she lets out a moan.

I slowly started to eat her out and I could feel her start spasming against my tongue. I looked her in the eyes as I started to rub at her clit. She let out the loudest moan so far as she came all over my face.

She instantly blushes and I smile at how adorable she is when she cums. I stood up from my kneeling position and she hops off the desk. 

She kneels in front of me and I look at her with a small smile. She bites at her lip for a second like she's trying to figure something out.

She must've decided because a second later I felt her stroking my dick and felt her slowly start to suck my dick. She looked up at me dead in the eye, I couldn't stop smiling at her as she bobs on my dick. I looked at her and she nodded.

I slowly pushed her head further on my dick until she was gagging, slowly pulling her head back and she sucks on my head. I pushed her a little harder this time and she choked before tapping my thigh. I pulled her head slowly off my dick and she wipes her face, looking at me and shaking her head playfully.

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