𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎

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hi it's me :)

so during their trip to Italy, all the translation will be in the chapters... they will be in brackets also bolded and in italics. i.e:


so please enjoy, if you prefer it like this please let me know for the future.. anyways, enjoy the next two aka this one and the next at 1:15pm est... and i'll see y'all next friday!!

- kay

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Stefania POV

I quickly walked us back to the room trying not to wake Clay or my uncle. Since neither of us are wearing pants and I don't think either want to see her half naked or myself. I go to put her on the bed but she doesn't let go of her grip so I turn to shut and lock the door quietly.

"amore, sembri sexy quando diventi geloso", I whisper in her ear and she smiles.
(love, you look sexy when you get jealous)

"What does that mean?", she asks me in a whisper and I whisper back, "I said love, you look sexy when you get jealous".

"I was not jealous, Stef", she tries to say but I know she was.

I look at her with a raised brow and smack her butt lightly.

"Okay, okay maybe I got a little jealous", she says quietly making me smile.

"Amore, you don't have to get jealous over Marianna. She's married to her husband and they have 3 kids, Marianna is one of the only few people who I trust", I tell her and she smiles.

"Are you tired again amore?", I ask as she yawns.

"sì amore", she says making me laugh.

"Already picking up on certain words?", I tease as I put her back on the bed.

She crawls back under the comforter.

"Uh do you have a t-shirt or something?", she asks and I look at her.

"Yes why?", I ask and she smiles.

"I don't want to wear my hoodie and I uh didn't wear a shirt or bra underneath and uh" she says a little nervously.

I only have the shirt that I am wearing, but I do have a sports bra on underneath. So I quickly took my shirt off and handed it to her.

"You didn't have to give me your shirt baby", she says and I smile.

"It's okay amore, just wear it", I tell her and she nods.

I turned to give her some privacy, we have seen each other topless and fully naked before. But since we're both extremely horny I figured it's better not to watch her undress and she laughs.

A minute later she says, "Baby you can turn around now, I have the shirt on".

I turned to see her sitting there comfortably in my shirt. I smiled and crawled back onto the bed beside her. She looks at me with a soft smile as I got under the blanket.

"Baby", she whispers and I smile.

"Amore", I whisper back before I softly ask, "Are you going to go back to sleep?".

She smiles and nods before laying down. But faces the other way, I just shrug and laid down. I heard her sigh so I look at her and laid behind her, pulling her closer to me and wrapping my arm around her.

"Why'd you sigh amore?", I ask her in a whisper and she giggles.

"I wanted cuddles but didn't want to assume you'd cuddle with me", she says quietly with her eyes closed.

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