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Elizabeth POV

I really shouldn't have teased her like that.

I spread her legs slowly apart and lower my self onto her, completely bottoming out on her. We both threw our heads back.

I moved a little bit so my left leg is over hers, but that her right leg is over mine and slowly start riding her as she bucked her hips as well. Both of us moaning at the new position, I made a mental note to do this again.

We both instantly picked up our momentums. All you could hear in the room was the sound of our skin smacking into each others, and well other sounds minus our moans which were very loud.

"Elizabeth, I'm going to-", she moans and I slowed down a little as I looked at her before saying softly, "Hold on Stefania, we will cum together".

. . .

We had been at it for a good couple hours now, neither of us wanted to stop. We both knew everyone was back now, as they had come back a little while ago and blasted music. Which honestly was a good thing.

One would say we were going at it like we wanted to get pregnant, but honestly the rate we were going at it we would've ran out of condoms.

Plus I am on the pill, I do take it. I went on it whilst still with my ex because I didn't want his kids, which sounds bad because in a way it is.

But tonight we both just wanted to make each other cum as many times as we could until we both had no more energy. We had moved off to the shower for us last session before collapsing into bed.

I don't think I will be able to walk tomorrow, let alone stand up for more than a few minutes. But I was happy and I don't think I could ever get sick of this.

I cuddled into her as we both got comfortable on the bed, neither of us bothering to put pyjamas on or anything.

"Good night bambina", Stefania whispered against my neck as we were now tangled together cuddling about to fall asleep.

"Good night baby", I whisper into her ear.

. . .

October 1st, 2022

I woke up to the feeling of slobbery kisses being peppered all over my face and a weight on top of me. I smiled as I opened my eyes to Winnie laying on top of me, I looked over to the side to see Stefania still out cold.

I ruffled Winnie's fur before she moved a little. I heard whispers coming from the hall before Winnie looked over towards the door.

"Winnie, let them sleep", I hear Toni whisper out before Winnie looked back at me.

I smiled softly as I whispered, "Go to Toni".

Winnie gave once last slobbery kiss to my face before tossing herself off the bed. I watched as Winnie disappeared through the crack in the door before it was shut.

I moved on the bed to look at the sleeping birthday girl that was laying next to me. I shuffled over and cuddled into her.

I kissed her neck softly before feeling her move, she laid her arm around my waist as she pulled me closer to her. I closed my eyes for a second before hearing the front door shut.

I peered my eyes open before I looked back at Stefania, whose eyes were also now open. She looked at mine with confusion, just as I looked back at her with confusion.

We both shrugged simultaneously before laughing, I moved a little closer to her before whispering softly, "buono compleanno baby".

"Thank you bambina", she whispered softly back as she looked at me.

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