𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

127 7 4

March 19th, 2023

Elizabeth POV

New York City, New York. One of my favourite places to be, well actually my third favourite place to be. Because my number one favourite place is to be whether Stefania is and my second favourite is the villa in Palermo.

New York City is definitely above Los Angeles. I do love Los Angeles because that's where my mom and friends are, but my older sisters are here and I love spending time with them.

I'm only here for Jimmy Fallon tomorrow though and to house hunt or apartment hunting. We're finally announcing our divorce tomorrow just after I film the interview and hopefully nothing negative will be posted.

I hope nothing negative will be posted, but Robbie does deserve to be shit on by my fans and I honestly think he will be at first. I have read the statement that will be posted, he went into great detail about how he was the one that had an affair, that I was the one that filed for divorce and that we both agreed to stay silent about it until we both felt it was time.

I know that some people, mainly Scarlett are going to lose their minds and I cannot wait for it. I have told Stefania that I don't mind when we announce that we've been together. She has a photo of us ready to go, she is prepared for the possible backlash.

I had already got my socials back up, I haven't posted on them. I did it so she can tag me in the post, I just feel so grateful for this life.

I get to raise two children with her, I also have been secretly taking Italian courses to learn the language and I want to surprise her in the future.

We've already discussed having the babies here in the states and then moving to Italy for a little while. I will take a small maternity leave from acting, might do voice oI ver roles.

We haven't decided on how we'll tell our families yet, but her side is flying here for summer. So we might get her family and mine together for an impromptu baby shower.

"So we have the viewing of the penthouse apartment in half an hour, then we will head back to Mary-Kate's to prepare for the dinner with everyone", Stefania says and I smiled as I looked at her.

"I still cannot believe Ash had a baby", I tell her and she nods in agreement.

"She'll be a good mom, just like you will be", she tells me as she squeezes my hand whilst driving.

"I'm just excited, her son will have cousins the same age or close to his age", I add on and she smiled brightly.

"Oh and amazing besties because of the Bettany's", she says and I laughed.

"We need to decide on names baby", I tell her and she looked briefly at me.

"Italian names or American?", she asks curiously and I smiled softly.

"Both, I mean we have a lot of options", I state and she nodded as she turned onto first avenue.

I had a few names already planned out that sound nice in Italian and are also very fitting. I do prefer the ones that I picked if we have one boy and one girl, they are very fitting for one another and the others can be worked on if we're having two of each genders.

I watched as we pulled up to the building of the penthouse we came to get a viewing of. I waited patiently for her to turn off the car before I turned my attention to her.

She looked at me with a soft smile as I said, "I was honestly thinking we could do Alessandra Joy and Xavier Augustus, or Alessandra Joy and Francesca Violetta, or Xavier Augustus and Riccardo Ezra?".

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