𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

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Elizabeth POV

We both sat down in the seats as Clay and Nicholas boarded. I watched as the two went to sit together in the other seats. 

I felt Winnie brush against me as she laid down on the floor in front of my feet. and I saw Clay sitting with Nicholas as Winnie laid on the floor by our feet.

"Amore?", I whisper and she looks at me.

"Yes bambina?", she asks with a smile and I shook my head as I really wanted to hear her call me amore.

"You called me amore for the first time?", I ask in a whisper.

"Hm maybe I did, maybe I didn't" she teases causing me to get flustered.

The flight attendant does her whole speech like usual and we finally took off. I was a little nervous I won't lie, this is a huge deal. 

I mean I'm meeting the Coppola family for the first time ever and she's meeting my sisters. And none of them know anything about Robbie and I.

"You all can unbuckle and go get some sleep", the flight attendant tells us and we all nod.

"Come on bambina", she whispers as she stands up and helps me stand up.

Winnie stayed laying where she was, she'll probably stay sleeping there the entire time. But that's fine, she must be tired or just is comfortable.

Stefania opened the door and I walked in first. My jaw dropped a little as I noticed that the room is practically just the bed causing me to lightly laugh.

"What's funny bambina?", she asks and I turned to face her.

"The bed is the entire room", I say and she smiles as she looks at me.

"Long flights means bigger bed", she jokes and I shook my head.

I went to turn to get into the bed, but she pulled me back towards her. I saw her look at my eyes and then my lips before looking at my eyes again and I bit down slightly my lip.

I know some Italian, but not a lot. I try to think of the words and it comes to mind.

"puoi baciarmi se vuoi Stefania", I tell her and she looks at me. 
(you can kiss me if you want Stefania)

"You know Italian?", she asks and I shrug while saying, "Some not a lot".

"I'll teach you", she says before cupping my face and kissing me softly.

I felt all the slightly familiar tingles and sparks flowing through me from her touch. We've made out before but this kiss felt so different and I could honestly get used to it.

She swooped me up in her arms before she gently put me down on the bed. I crawled over to a side and watched as crawled in beside me. Once she was laying down comfortably, I snuggled into her and looked at her.

"What?", she asks quietly and I smiled.

"I've missed cuddling with you baby, and you look so fucking hot today", I tell her in a whisper and she pulls me closer to her.

"I've missed your cuddles too bambina, and I look hot? Elizabeth look in the mirror, you are absolutely gorgeous. But we need to try to get some sleep because we have a long flight ahead of us", she whispers.

I sat up a little and she looks at me.

"Trying to get comfortable for the long flight", I tell her and she lifts her left arm.

I laid back down as she wraps her arm around my back and I rested my leg across her lap. I laid my head in the crook of her neck and she laughs. I quickly pecked her neck causing her to let out a small sigh.

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