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Robbie POV

I knew that I have truly fucked up everything, I knew that I made the worst decision in all of my life. I was and am madly in love with Lizzie.

But the things she wanted, were never anything that I wanted. She wanted marriage, she wanted kids, she wanted this future and I didn't.

I mean I wanted her to be happy, but then I went out with an old friend. And well one thing led to another and I fumbled my entire life away. I lost my wife that day and there's no way of turning back time to fix my stupid mistake.

My old friend Jacob had come to Los Angeles to hang out with me. He didn't know about Lizzie, or our marriage. 

He thought that I was single, so I had to play the part which was the first stupid mistake I made and wasn't the last. That night was when he introduced me to Rachel, and I won't lie, she was gorgeous.

She was very kind and sweet. I adored that, so we got along instantly. Then the second stupid mistake came out to play... I slept with her. 

I couldn't stop myself, I mean Lizzie and I hadn't seen each other because she was in Austin filming and I was stupid, naive and horny.

I never told Rachel that I was still with Lizzie, she knew that I lived in Lizzie's house but she just assumed it was because we had to wait for the contracts of the house to come through.

Lizzie was never stupid though, she knew something was going on. I mean we fought for a while and separated. I honestly didn't really think she'd realize, I was hoping she wouldn't until I was able to think of a way to ask for divorce.

She completely threw me off when she asked about Rachel, I lied and said she meant nothing to me. That was the breaking point, that was when she said we were separating and I couldn't argue back.

But to be honest, Rachel meant more to me than anything. We had the same goals, we had the same visions for our future.

I knew lying about the band getting together, would be very fucking risky. I knew that she'd ask Marlana, but part of me wanted that. I wanted to be caught, as bad as it sounds.

I know she's had that feeling, that vibe that I have been still seeing Rachel even though I told her weeks ago that I stopped. Truthfully I wanted her to see me for the piece of shit I am, so I lied and found out about this club that I know Aubrey loves.

I told Rachel that I wanted to go out dancing and drinking on Friday, which she was immediately down for. I just hope she doesn't get upset with me, I mean I lied to her too.

I just want Lizzie to be able to be happy, I can't give her that. I can't give her what she wants anymore, I will forever love her. But she deserves a wife or a husband that will treat her like the fucking Queen she is.

I walked around our house, and saw the photos of Lizzie and I on our wedding day. I felt like a complete asshole. I was terrified for the news to break and I wanted to discuss not telling the world yet.

I don't think she'll agree, but I will take the full blame.

When I heard the front door open earlier I kind of panicked, until Clay walked in. I immediately saw the hatred in Clay's eyes when he came over, I saw the look of disgust as he looked at Rachel. I knew if he saw me, that he would tell her. And he never lies to her, not once, not ever.

So my plan is working, but I know that I have made enemies for life now. I just have to accept that. I calmly walked up to our room and packed up my last few things.

I have been crashing in the in-law suite for the last few months, but most of my things were still in our closet. I tossed all my things into a hamper and carried it out to the hall. I looked back into the room before shutting the door behind me.

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