
172 7 2

Friday September 16th, 2022

Stefania POV

I heard my house alarm go off and I peered my eyes open slowly before feeling her cuddle more into me. I felt Winnie flop down between us as best as she could making me chuckle a little.

I closed my eyes again before going to relax, but nope. I woke up once again to now banging on my bedroom door.

I sighed a little as it got very repetitive, I knew who it was just by the pattern of the knocks. I lightly woke Elizabeth up and she looked at me.

"They are home now, so I need you to hide under my blanket for a moment while I see what Pippa wants. Because either I get up and answer or she'll barge through", I tell her and she nodded before tucking herself under my blanket.

The second Elizabeth was hidden my door was thrown open by a very annoyed Pippa. I just smiled at her as she shut my door obnoxiously.

"Why were you pounding on my door?", I ask her acting like she just woke me up and she shrugged.

"I wanted to wake you up, because they are getting on my nerves.", she says as she suddenly plopped down on the edge of my bed.

"Why is Winnie up here?", she curiously asks and Winnie lifted her head before moving to plop down closer to me.

"I didn't want to sleep alone, so I had Winnie come up with me last night to cuddle", I tell her and she gave me a look.

"Yeah I call bullshit on that, but anyways... I had the world's worst sleep last night, they stupidly got us a cheap hotel. They had only booked one room also, so I had to sleep on the uncomfortable couch that was in the room", Pippa says and I watched as Winnie tried to pull at the duvet.

"Winnie stop, just lay down", I say and Winnie blatantly ignored me.

I just tried my best to keep the blanket as it was, but Winnie was apparently in a desperate need of Elizabeth. She moved to my pillows and just shoved her head under the duvet instead making me shake my head a little.

I slightly moved on my bed and Winnie just burrowed herself more under my duvet. I just sat there trying not to laugh as I could only see her tail from under the blanket.

"Winnie is acting weird, but anyways... dinner was at least decent, it wasn't the best food I've ever had. I mean it was good, but I would've preferred somewhere else.", Pippa says before she stopped when we heard a faint giggle.

I bit down on my tongue as Winnie scooted back a little. Pippa's brows furrowed when Winnie popped her head out before laying right on Elizabeth.

"Winnie, move", I say and Winnie moved before I heard another laugh making Pippa look at me.

"Okay, who the fuck is under the duvet?", Pippa asks as I looked at her with a what are you talking about look.

"Cut the bullshit Stefania Alessia", Pippa says and I rolled my eyes.

"No freaking out, no screaming, no getting their attention", I tell her sternly and she furrowed her brows.

"I mean it Pippa Rose Castillo", I say sternly and she gave me an okay fine look.

"Bambina", I whisper before moving the blanket a little to see her smiling softly.

I laughed as she slowly sat up beside me before looking at Pippa, her jaw was slacked open, her eyes were widened. She looked at me then at Elizabeth then at me again before she smiled widely.

"Oh my, hi uhm I uhm am Pippa", Pippa says with a slight nervous tone to her voice making Elizabeth smile a little.

"Hi Pippa, it's nice to meet you", Elizabeth says and Pippa squealed a little making me laugh.

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