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Elizabeth POV 

I had just gotten into my car when my phone rang. I looked at my phone to see it was Clayton calling and I sighed a little as I started up my car.

"I'll call him back once I am connected to the bluetooth", I thought to myself as I let my car start up.

I connected my phone and pulled out of my moms' driveway before calling him back. My house isn't overly far from here, roughly a ten minute drive.

My phone rang twice before he picked up.

"Hey why haven't you responded to any texts?", he immediately asks and I sighed a little.

"Been busy", I tell him and he hummed.

"Doing what?", he asks and I smirked a little.

"Uh I don't think you'd want to know what I have been doing", I tell him before hearing him groan.

"Okay okay, no no no. I don't want to know at all. Anyways Scarlett wants to know the time and etc. I told her that I'd come over to yours since your not answering, but I'm assuming your not home because she mentioned that you said something about going to your moms", he says and I laughed.

"Yeah I uh was with Stefania, but I'm heading home now.", I tell him and he gasped.

"Oh so you'd rather hang out with Stefania than text us back?!", he asks and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, but I was busy like I said. I completely forgot to respond, shit happens Clayton", I tell him and he mocked me.

"I thought you didn't want to know what I was busy doing Clayton", I say and he went quiet as I said, "Because I can tell you what I was busy doing".

"No", he says quietly making me laugh a little.

"Okay then, don't mock me or I will", I state as I turned down onto the street that leads to my house.

"I'll be home in like five minutes, so if you want to head over then head over", I tell him and he laughed a little.

"Okay, Rene and I will head out in a few minutes then", he says and I nodded even though he can't see me.

"Okay sounds good, I just need to make food", I tell him and he laughed.

"I'll grab you a bagel and iced coffee", he says and I cheered a little.

"We'll head out now then, we'll be over in like fifteen minutes", he says before he hung up abruptly.

I shook my head a little as I drove down my street before pulling into my driveway. I pulled into my spot before turning off my car and getting out carefully.

I walked up to my front door before unlocking it and walking in. Immediately deactivating my alarm before taking off my shoes and walking more into my house.

My house feels less homey now, it feels like a cold dungeon that I can't escape. I walked over to the couch but decided to not sit down.

I decided to just go sit outside and text her so she knows that I'm home. I walked out into my yard before walking over to my little chair.

I sat down before pulling my phone out and texting her.

I'm home now Amore

Within a second of my text she responded making me smile.

Okay good bambina

Clayton and his boyfriend are coming over
Rene loves picking out my outfits, so hopefully he picks a dress

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