𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

69 5 1

March 11th, 2023

Elizabeth POV

Every fucking day, for the last week I have been waking up and being ill. It hasn't been fun, it hasn't be nice or easy either.

I spent the past week at my old house, as I didn't know if I had a stomach bug. The last thing I wanted was to get Stefania sick.

Thankfully though I have no projects, so I don't have to worry about being stuck on a set and being sick. I hate working when I'm ill in any sorts and this is kind of suspicious.

Every morning? Part of me thought I might be pregnant, but then part of me just assumed it was a stomach bug as it is going around right now.

I did have a weird, but funny feeling that stomach is off right now. I actually might be pregnant, but I don't want to do a test. I don't want to even think of it being a possibility.

I need to distract myself today, I need to find something that will pull me away from my thoughts. So why not just spend my day in the garden?

I mean I am removing my plants and transporting them to Stefania's. I had decided to fully move in with her, I mean I already have majority of my things there and not much here.

I had to pack a bag to stay at my own house, so that just shows how little I actually live here. I mean also Robbie and Rachel are practically living here together in the basement.

I had met with my lawyer Ian over a skype call the other day, I informed him that I wanted my house to legally be Robbie's. I had no need for it anymore and he said he would get the paperwork done to transfer it.

I slowly got out of bed and went to change into more comfortable clothes to garden in. I stripped out of my pjs and tossed on leggings and a baggy tee before walking to the bathroom.

I tossed my hair up into a claw clip and brushed my teeth before waltzing out to go garden. I made my way out of my room and towards the stairs.

I walked down and over to the front foyer to grab a pair of boots to wear. I slipped them on and made my way down the hall to my back patio door.

I slid the door open before stepping out and walking straight for my garden area.

I spent a good while out here, transporting things into new planters for temporary travel before deciding to go make something to eat.

My appetite has been all over the place, I'm either slightly hungry, not at all or absolutely starving. I knew that I needed to eat something, even if it's just a bowl of fruit.

So that was the plan, I already had fresh fruit in the fridge. I just have to toss it into a bowl, maybe with some yogurt though. Which is what I decided to do.

I pulled out a tub of my yogurt before checking the expiration date and putting it on the counter. I grabbed the bowl of fruit and put it down as well. I walked around to the cabinets and grabbed a proper bowl.

I turned and put it down before opening the drawer, I pulled out a big spoon and scooped out some yogurt before sprinkling some berries on top and putting everything away.

I washed the spoon and slipped it into the drying rack before grabbing a smaller spoon. I walked towards the stools and sat down before standing back up to grab a drink.

I decided to stick with water, it is more important than anything. I unscrewed the cap and put it down before moving my bowl over to my stool.

I carefully sat down before diving into my breakfast. I let out a satisfied moan before sipping on my water as I heard the front door open.

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