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August 31st, 2022

Elizabeth POV

"I don't want to go to some stupid ass party that you had planned, I never agreed to this. We both discussed only going to events that we both wanted to go to, that we were both invited to. I don't want to go, I don't want to have to act all in love with you in front of everyone that means the world to me", I say a little angrily as Robbie was sitting on couch across the room from me.

Our relationship, well our marriage is over. It's been over for the last month or two, we split because well it's a long story.

I don't understand why he pulled this shit. We unfortunately had done our vow renewals a little while ago, and that was a week before I found out about his illicit affair that he had been apart of while I was in Texas filming.

"Well it's to damn fucking bad Elizabeth, everyone is going to be there. Your family, my family, our friends", he says spewing out whilst giving me a look that slightly terrifies me.

"MY FRIENDS!", I yell at him and he laughed manically.

"The only friend of yours that will be there is Wren, who is one of my closest friends. You only know her because of me.", I state whist giving him a glare.

I always knew that us married wouldn't go so well, I never mentioned wanting to get married or anything. When we first met we discussed our lives, our dreams. I had mentioned that marriage is something I might want, along with kids but I would never force anyone to want the same things.

He told me it was something he may want, but at the moment he never saw marriage or kids in his life. He blamed it on his upbringing.

I grew up also with split parents, but I adored them more for separating. I adore my step-mom, I adore my younger siblings, just as much as I adore my mom and my older siblings.

Growing up for me was different, I grew up on sound stages because of Full House. I grew up mostly with Trent, he was always the big protective cuddle bear and I love him for always being there.

He was the one that helped me move into my place in New York, he was the one that lived with me for years when I first moved back home to Los Angeles.

He was my favourite sibling growing up, until I held Courtney for the first time. I cried for days to my mom, I was always the younger sister. The one that got bullied by the older sisters, and I promised myself that day that I would treat Court with nothing but love and affection.

We've been super close, I've always been so proud of her growing up. I watched her shape up to who she is now and honestly I know out of all my siblings, she'll be the one to see right through my charade.

"All you have to do is pretend for one night, then we can go back to me living in the in-law suite. I wish I could've cancelled, but Downey was so excited to host the party. So we're going, we're acting like we're so madly in love and then we can go back to whatever we are", he says and I sighed a little.

"Fine.", I stated whilst walking away.

I could feel him watching me, but I didn't look back. I didn't care enough to. I just wanted tomorrow to be over and done with.

I want to not have to deal with this, but I also know if we do end up legally divorcing that we'll have to keep the charade until at least Christmas.

Only because that was our deal, we'd go public after the holidays. I have a feeling it won't be until later in the new year though, especially since the band is working on a new album and he likes to take advantage of my loyal fans.

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