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Stefania POV

I kept driving, it hadn't been long since we left the coffee shop and apparently now Laurel Canyon is busier. Which is confusing, because it wasn't that long ago... but then again it's Los Angeles and traffic just appears out of thin air.

I was practically now just chilling in idle as the traffic was terrible. I hear her sigh a little making me look at her as she glared at the traffic that has barely budged in front of us.

"You can play music if you want, you have the access to my phone and honestly anything is better than the radio station at this point", I tell her and she smiled as she grabbed my phone.

"Uh warning though, I only have one playlist but it's stacked with different songs and artists. So it's kind of like a Russian roulette, you never know what you'll get when you press shuffle", I say with a faint laugh and she nodded a little as she went to press shuffle.

"It's worth the risk", she says as she pressed shuffle. 

I quickly pressed the bluetooth button to switch from the radio to my aux as a Taylor Swift song played.

I didn't mind, but it's not really my cup of tea. I like her music, but I don't really listen to her as religiously. I only really have her on this playlist for Pippa.

I looked at the traffic and noticed it completely stopped so I looked back at her as she sang along to whatever song this was while looking out the passenger window.

Another song played which she instantly skipped making me shake my head a little.

"Note to self, she's not a huge fan of Katy Perry", I thought to myself as I heard the beginning of one of my favourite songs, by one of my favourite bands.

I cheered for them the entire time they were on Eurovision. I thought they were amazing, they are all super talented and I have gone to see them a few times now.

I smiled a little as I sang along to the song, I kept my eyes on the road as I sang. I knew she was looking at me though, I could feel her eyes on me.

Come l'aria mi respirerai il giorno che
Ti nasconderò dentro frasi che non sentirai
Che l'errore tuo è stato amarmi come se domani
Il mondo fosse uguale a com'era ieri

I looked at her and she smiled a little as I kept singing the song. I could've translated it as I sang, but I didn't feel like it at the moment.

Adesso lasciami credere che questo sia reale
Che sento l'ansia che sale, bevo le lacrime amare
Ti prego lasciami perdere dentro all'acqua del mare
Che le parole lontane, giuro te le voglio urlare

I looked out the windshield before singing along to the song in English. Not bothering to look at her as I sang.

Because I feel you far, far away from me
Because I feel you far, far away from me
Because I feel you far, far away from me
Because I feel you far away from me

I kept softly singing along to the song, before turning down onto Lookout Mountain Ave when I had the chance. I turned onto Laurel Pass Ave, knowing this way may be a faster detour to get home instead of sitting in this traffic for the next while.

A few more songs played as I drove towards Mulholland Drive.

I watched as she reached for my phone and paused the song making me briefly look at her. She sat back a little and looked at me making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"So you're a Coppola?", she suddenly asks as I continued driving down Mulholland Drive, I just nodded a little as I focused on the road.

"Yes I am a Coppola, but I never wanted to go into film like them though", I tell her and she giggled slightly.

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