𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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February 7th, 2023

Stefania POV

I had been sitting in my office on a video call with my manager Tiff, she wanted to go over a bunch of things before I publicly changed my last name. I was excited to finally be known as Coppola and not as Castillo.

Obviously there's underlying issues that may present themselves, but I'm not concerned over those at the moment. I just want to finally be able to call myself by my real last name again.

"So there's a few talk shows that want you, we have Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Live with Kelly and Ryan.. Oh and Kelly Clarkson wants you", she says and I hummed a little.

"I am a little skeptical over going on a talk show", I tell her and she smiled softly.

"I understand, but it will be beneficial", she says and I shrugged a little.

"I think I will go with Kelly Clarkson, I think she'd be more comforting to discuss everything with and then I don't have to leave Los Angeles", I respond and she nods.

"Well Kelly has tomorrow available, I know it's soon but it's better to get out there sooner rather than later", she says and I nodded.

"Can Elizabeth come with me?", I ask and Tiff nodded immediately,

"Of course she can, she'd have to hangout back stage but it shouldn't be an issue", she says and I felt a little relief weigh off me.

"I will send the details to you, you'll be fine. It will mostly be questions about your life, why you never went by Coppola. You can answer honestly and just be yourself. There's nothing to stress about, Kelly Clarkson is a very laid back interviewer and honestly I think she will adore you", she says and I just smiled a little.

"Sounds good, thank you Tiff. I will ask Elizabeth and we can go from there", I say before ending the call.

I sat back in my desk chair before texting her.

Are you free tomorrow?

I swiped out of our conversation and opened the group chat of the twins and I.

Hey twins, question?

Twin 1 (MK):
Hey loser,
What's up?

Twin 2 (Ash):
Hey twins?!
How dare?

What do I wear to Kelly Clarkson tomorrow?

Twin 1:
Uh a nice suit

Twin 2:
I agree with MK

Okay thanks for the help

I left that conversation before receiving a text back from Elizabeth.

Yeah baby
What's going on?

Kelly Clarkson interview

Okay, I will come with you
I had no other plans other than wanting to see you

Okay perfect
I wish you could come here tonight

I wish I could too,
I'm sorry baby
It's been so chaotic here

Everything okay?

Yeah just never thought I had so much to pack up

I mean you are packing your life up right now

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