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Stefania POV

We both hung out in the kitchen, neither of us went up to get dressed. She was now just chilling in the bikini, which was not helping me stay calm at all.

I had moved a bit ago and have been standing on the opposite side of the island for the last little while. Just trying my best to keep a distance between us. I didn't want to do something I'd regret or that she'd regret.

I watched as she laid her arms on the island before putting her head down. I just smiled softly as she just chilled like that before I heard a knock on the door.

She sat up but I motioned for her to stay, she nodded a little and I made my way down the hall. I fixed my trunks as I walked before I peered out the window.

I saw Clayton standing there before I unlocked the door. I opened the door slowly and he smiled at me as I opened it wider.

"Come on in, she's in the kitchen", I tell him and he nodded.

"I have a question for you?", he asks me and I pointed to my office.

"We'll talk in there", I tell him and he nodded before walking in.

I felt so underdressed as I followed him in, I shut the door but didn't bother to lock it. He sat down in the one chair as I made my way around my desk.

I calmly sat down as he looked around at all my degrees. I followed his eyes as I saw my Master's degree in Business also known as my MBA, my bachelor degree in Creative Writing, and a couple other Bachelor degrees that I have.

I smiled a little as I looked back at him, he looked at me and smiled a little.

"How old are you?", he asks and I laughed a little.

"I'm thirty three next month", I tell him and he nods a little.

"You have like five bachelor degrees", he says and I nod a little.

"Yeah I kind of went hard in school, I did my creative writing bachelor while in high school because I loved literature. The others I did at the same time, it was a rough few years but I managed it and now own successful clubs via all of them", I tell him and he smiled a little.

"But you said you wanted to talk, so what's going on Clayton?", I ask and he gave me a look.

"I saw the girl, the girl that owned that car. She seemed terrified when she saw me, Robbie didn't even care that I was there. He had a full on conversation with me, while the girl was on his lap.", he says and I gritted my teeth.

"He's acting like he's not married, he didn't even have his ring on. I wanted to kill him right there and then", he says and I closed my eyes as I tried to calm myself down.

"What do you know?", he asks me and I looked at him.

"I know that Elizabeth knows that he is being unfaithful, that he told her it meant nothing to him, but that he refuses to talk to her about it and won't listen when she asks about divorce", I state trying not to get angry.

"I know that he was her everything, that he doesn't want this to ruin his reputation. But I don't appreciate the pain he is putting her through", I state as the door opened.

I looked up to see her walking in, she smiled a little as she walked around. I spun my chair around before she sat on my lap. I helped her get comfortable before spinning back to look at Clayton.

"Okay so what's the plan? How are we going to get this asshole to admit that he cheated, or how are we going to get him caught?", he asks and I looked at Elizabeth.

"He's going to Midnight Lounge with the band tomorrow, so we're going to be there", Elizabeth states and he nodded.

"How are we so sure that he's not actually going with them?", he asks and Elizabeth looks at me then him.

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