𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

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Stefania POV

I intertwined our hands before we walked towards the secret entrance. I'm very worried about what will happen between us now that all of this has happened.

She's met my family, she was initiated into the family and well I'm just beginning to worry that this is all too fast. I mean she just divorced her husband, someone that she had been with for a long time.

I don't want her to feel like she has to be with me because of all of this, but also I am petrified because I have never slept with someone without protection.

I am petrified that if she does fall pregnant that she'll have to play this major charade and then suddenly the world thinks it's Robbie's baby. I am just scared for the future of us, as I know that they both need time until they feel ready to publicly split.

I felt a little defeated in a way, I wanted this to just be a fun trip and it is don't get me wrong. But so much has happened within a short time frame.

I don't know what to think, what to say, what to do. I want her always in my life, I want to tell her that I never want to lose her, I'm just too scared to admit my feelings.

Yeah we said we loved each other, but I don't know if she means it means it, or if it's just a platonic I love you.

I felt lost in my mind until I felt hands on my face, I didn't look down at her yet. I knew she'd be able to read me like a book, I swear she is Wanda in real life.

"Stefania, what's wrong?", she asks worriedly as I continued to avoid eye contact with her.

"Baby, please look at me", she says with a soft whimper and I took a short deep breath before looking at her.

"What's going on?", she softly asks and I just weakly smiled.

"Nothing's going on amore, I just was thinking about things", I tell her and she furrowed her brows as she looked at me.

"Come on, let's go change", I tell her and she just kept looking at me.

"Will you tell me what's truly bothering you?", she asks and I nodded a little.

She kept her eyes on me as I looked at her, I spun her around making her giggle. She tried spinning back around. I let her, but I slowly bent down and threw her over my shoulder.

She just laughed as I carried her up the steps to the hidden door. I opened it before stepping inside and softly putting her back down.

She just looked at me with a soft expression making me smile at her. I stepped back a little making her shake her head whilst I went to look for clothes for the day.

I opened my suitcase before looking for clothes to wear, I pulled out a pair of black jeans before digging for a shirt. I pulled out the first shirt I saw and grabbed the rest of what I needed.

I looked over at her and hummed a little, I stood up with my clothes and put them down before opening the one drawer. She packed a lot of dresses, some pants and some shirts.

The weather is still nice enough to wear dresses, but in the evenings it is colder. So I looked for a long cute dress, something that would let her not overheat but also keep her warm in the evening.

I looked through her dresses before shutting the drawer.

"What all did she pack?", I thought to myself before opening the next drawer.

I saw a pair of black jeans so I pulled them out and shut the drawer before opening the next. I went through it before seeing the one shirt of mine that I made her switch with me the day I drove her to Scarlett's.

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