𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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October 5th, 2023

Elizabeth POV

I woke up to the feeling of soft kisses on my thighs, I hummed to the feeling as I went to move before feeling my thighs being held captive.

I giggled a little before lifting the duvet to see one of my favourite sights, she grinned up at me like the devil making me groan as I felt her kiss under my belly button.

"I could get used to waking up to you between my thighs", I softly say but instead it came out a little husky from my sleepy throat.

I heard her moan a little from my voice, or from the sight of my dripping wetness in front of her. I just smiled as I got a little comfortable.

I felt her tongue lap up some of my juices before I threw my hand over my mouth.

"I want to hear you bambina", she mutters before sucking harshly on my clit causing me to buck my hips up.

I felt my hips get pushed down before I felt two fingers trail through my folds before feeling them slip into me. I wanted to wiggle around, my body not used to waking up to these types of sensations.

I never had been woken up to being eaten out before and honestly I wasn't lying when I said I could get used to this. I wanted this to be my every morning, but I knew once we got back in Los Angeles our relationship would have to be hidden for a little and that hurt a lot.

I felt her fingers thrust harder and a little faster causing me to melt away in the bed. I didn't even bother fighting off the moans that were slipping out of my throat.

I felt her fingers hit a certain spot and everything unraveled, I moaned and heard her hum as I came within seconds of my moan.

My breathing turning unstable as I tried to come back from the orgasm. I felt her crawl up my body before feeling her kiss my forehead.

I smiled goofily as she kissed my cheeks and then softly kissed my lips. I felt her pull back as I opened my eyes.

I looked at her with a soft loving smile as I cuddled into her side, I felt her wrap her right arm under my shoulder as I laid my right leg over her lap.

I leaned up and kissed her softly again before moving slightly. I sat up and straddled her lap making her look at me with a soft smile as I rolled my hips ever so slightly.

I felt her hands move to my thighs before I rolled my hips a little rougher. She rolled her eyes back a little as I slipped her inside of me.

. . .

We had probably a few good rounds of just uninterrupted sex before our alarm went off to get ready to pack up. I looked at her as she turned off the alarm before I hopped out of bed.

I walked into the bathroom and wrapped the robe around myself before I began my morning routine and having to pack it all away. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and my hair before feeling her arms wrap around my waist.

I looked at her in the mirror, she had her sleepy smile on her face before I tilted my head to the side before pouting my lips. She laughed softly before kissing me. I moved her arms before grabbing my things.

She just laughed as I walked out of the bathroom to finish packing up. I walked over to our bag before putting my little bathroom bag in and made sure we had everything else packed away.

I wandered around our room to make sure everything was packed whilst I waited for Stefania to have her shower. I would've had one, but I'd rather just wait.

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