𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎

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Elizabeth POV

Stefania and with Antonio to help him with something. I stayed outside, not really knowing if she wanted me to come in or not. So I just stayed out here, I was minding my own business while sitting on one of the pool beds.

I closed my eyes as I got comfortable, I didn't feel like walking over to my sisters. I just wanted to relax and sit here for a little while.

I suddenly had this weird feeling as if someone was looking at me. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to look over in the direction only to see Mary-Kate and Ashley both giving me the same look.

I mentally groaned as I stood up and walked over to where my sisters were now sitting. Mary-Kate gave me a sit down look so I sat down across from them immediately.

"How have you been Elizabeth?", Mary-Kate asks with a soft smile and I smiled a little back.

"I have been good, finally taking time to just relax and not stress. But it's kind of hard to not stress currently", I tell them and Mary-Kate smiles weakly.

Ashley looks at me with a soft expression as she asks, "What happened between Robbie and you?".

"Do I tell them the truth? Or do I lie and say we just decided to split ways?", I thought to myself before deciding to just tell them because they'd be more so hurt if I lied to them.

"While I was filming in Austin, he had met up with an old friend. He lied to this friend saying he was single and he was introduced to some girl. From that day until a week ago he had been having a full blown affair. I knew months ago, but he told me it was over. It wasn't, Clay actually walked in on them cuddled up. Stefania helped me get the closure and now we're divorced. But we're keeping a charade of us still being together to prevent harassment and to give us time to be able to announce our separation on our own terms", I tell them with a weak smile and the two of them sat up a little bit straighter.

I could tell that the both of them were fuming, I knew that they disliked him. But I wasn't sure how they would react to this news.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, he definitely didn't deserve you well he never did. But other than that is everything good in your life?", Ashley asks and I nod before saying, "Yeah, everything's finally feeling normal. I feel like myself again and less of a puppet to his wants".

"I know I already asked, but how was the flight? Because I heard you flew in a private jet which you always refused to do with us in our jet", Mary-Kate asks whilst crossing her arms over her chest and I laugh.

"Yeah, I flew in a private jet. It was honestly good minus the turbulence, I ended up spending the majority of the first flight sleeping", I tell them as Clay walks over to join us.

"Hey at least you got to sleep in a proper bed, I had to sleep on the couch and found myself on the floor when I woke up", he says as he sat down beside me making me laugh at the memory of him passed out on the floor.

"Hm, you're just jealous", I tease him and he shakes his head.

"Yeah I am, but you got to have a cuddle buddy and I got to sleep on the floor in front of a prestigious actor", he says while scoffing and I laughed at his theatrics.

"He completely embarrassed himself in front of Nicholas Cage", I tell the twins and they look at me.

"Nicholas Cage was on the flight? That's so random, why would he be on the flight with you guys?", Ashley asked confused.

"Uh yeah, and he's her uncle?", I say while looking at Ashley and both of them look at me confused.

"He's a Coppola, same with Stefania", I say whilst looking at them again and their mouths drop ever so slightly.

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