𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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November 23rd, 2022

Elizabeth POV

I was a little scared to go to Thanksgiving this year, I was a little terrified of how my dad would react to the news about the divorce. Yeah he was never a huge fan of Robbie, and yeah he didn't want me marrying him, but he accepted him because I thought he was my forever.

I am more so terrified of them not liking Stefania, I am terrified that they'll judge her without really getting to know her. I am just scared in general, which is reasonable in a sense.

I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I didn't want her to want to leave me, I don't want to lose her ever. Robbie was my past, but I want her to be my future.

I just well you know, fear is inevitable in my life. I blame that on my anxiety that I have had ever since I can remember and no matter what I do to prevent attacks, my mind never sleeps from those what if thoughts.

The only saving grace to these thoughts is knowing that my dad and step-mom will have the chance to meet her before my brothers. Everyone else in my family has met her, minus the four of them.

"Bambina, are you okay?", I hear Stefania say pulling me out of those thoughts as I looked at her.

"Yeah, just was thinking", I reply and she smiled a little.

"We've both been trying to talk to you, but you seemed out of it and I was worried so I pulled over", she says and I smiled at her as I looked at my mom who was giving me a worried look.

"I'm okay, I just was trying to calm the what ifs", I respond as I looked outside to figure out where we were.

I knew we were going to my dad's, he lives in Saugus which on good days is only a forty five minute drive from my house. But because of the holiday it's already backing up in traffic.

"Okay, what are your what ifs?", she asks as she looks at me with a pleading smile.

"I guess I am worried on how they'll react to me telling them about the divorce, about how they'll react if they know I'm with you and uh I guess I'm afraid you'll leave me", I tell her sadly and she took my hands in hers.

"Bambina, you don't have to tell them everything about the divorce. I mean Courtney thinks you both are in an open-marriage, so just go with that. I know lying sucks and hurts, but they don't need to know until you feel ready to tell them. I won't leave you no matter how they react to me, because you are my amore and I don't plan to leave you so easily", she says as she looks into my eyes with pure love.

"And Lizzie my dear, your father and everyone will adore Stefania. They just want you to be happy and she makes you happy", my mom says and I just smiled as I felt my heart warm up a little.

"Now bambina, it's your turn to choose the music.", she says and I smiled as I unlocked her phone to play music.

I was addicted and I mean ADDICTED to this new album Midnights by Taylor. So obviously I went straight to it and pressed shuffle, not caring what played first as I already have the entire album memorized.

I smiled widely when I heard the beginning of maroon start. Stefania from what I know hasn't heard this album yet, so this shall be fun.

She's not a huge Swiftie and neither am I, but I do listen to her music. Usually when I'm on set, I like being locked away in my trailer with her music on repeat. Mostly reputation because I find that a lot of the songs to relate to Wanda, so I love the album and I guess I also love 1989.. but I don't boast about it because then I get teased for liking it only because of it being my birth year.

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