𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚡

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Henry POV

I followed behind Pierre's car back into the garage, I was a little confused as we still had another lap or two. I just shrugged it off and pulled up behind him.

I watched as Kika and Pierre got out of their car before pulling in more to get out as well. We both hopped out, both of us confused about everything.

I noticed fear on Lizzie's face, along with fear on some other girls face as we walked towards where everyone was. I wasn't sure what had happened, we didn't have comms in our car and honestly I just assumed they called off the race.

I heard another car coming towards the garage, and I guess so did everyone else. Everyone's eyes went onto that car and soon after Charlotte got out along with Charles.

I saw the pure heartbreak hit Lizzie before I felt uncomfortable. I'm not good with emotions or calming people down.

I watched quietly like a piece of shit along with Toni as Charles engulfed Lizzie in a hug and muttered something to her. I saw Lizzie free herself from his grip before sneaking past him. He quickly followed behind her.

That's when my attention went to the safety car.

"Stefania crashed", I hear Charlotte tell Toni as Toni looked at me frozen in place.

I have known Stefania my whole life, I can't stand here and watch this. I needed to leave, I needed to be away from here. She'd understand, I mean I hope she understands.

That's when I saw both Pierre and Charles holding onto Lizzie in a hug. That should be Toni and I, we should be the ones comforting her not them.

I felt like a failure, I failed one of my best friends in this moment. I wanted nothing more than to just continue to race, but my best friend someone I have known my entire life might be hurt.

I was a piece of shit, I was the worlds worst best friend. I failed her. I failed Lizzie by not being there for her.

I just walked out. I left the garage and went into the hall. I heard the door open and shut behind me before I felt my arm get tugged a little.

"I can't do this. I can't be here, I failed them. I failed, I should've been the one hugging Lizzie and so should've you. But we didn't. We just wanted to race and now my best friend, our best friend is potentially hurt and all we cared about was some stupid race. I want to leave now, I can't stay in Italy", I tell her as I tried not to break down in tears.

"If we suddenly just leave it is even worse Henry. We can go back to the hotel, maybe go do something the two of us. But if we leave right now and go back home, then we've betrayed them even more", she tells me and I shook my head.

"I can't Toni. I can't be here anymore, I need to go home. They'd understand, I hope they do", I tell her as I walked away.

I could hear her following behind me, but I didn't care. I walked out into the parking lot, past the security who just watched us leave. I walked over to a bench and fell to my knees.

I felt like a shitty person, I knew that I was a shitty person, what kind of friend am I? What kind of human am I to just leave my best friend like that?

l felt an arm on my shoulder before I saw Toni, she offered to help me stand before I slowly got up. She pulled me into a hug and I just broke in her arms.

I noticed a taxi pull up and I looked at her before she nodded. I wandered over to it and opened the back door before guiding her in. I got in slowly.

"Ciao, dove?", the taxi driver asked as we both got situated.

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