Chapter 37

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"Well it worked." Zayn smiled at me and nodded.

"See, nothing to worry about. It's been two weeks and it seems like they never had a problem." I let out a sigh. I walked into his arms and leaned onto him. He has become so familiar to me now. I don't know what it is exactly but I don't want to miss out on Zayn anymore. He reached over and kissed me on top of my head.

"Let's go meet Louis for last minute prep." We headed out.

Zayn's right. Louis and Harry have once again come closer. There've been occasional moments in which they seem to pull back. I haven't said anything yet but I have a feeling Zayn and I can't solve all their problems.

Meanwhile the days pass quickly as the wedding nears. I'm anxious. Zayn can tell. He just knows me so well; I'm surprised. But it's the best type of feeling. He has really helped just to live. I still cry for Niall practically everyday, and the dreams. I still see him. Instead of communicating with me however he sends me to re-watch old memories of us, of Zayn and I, just everything really. I'd wake up with my heart swelling and start crying of happiness. Also regret for missing out on what I could've had with Niall but most of all pity for the state of Louis and Harry's relationship. We all know they've been working stuff out but I'm pretty sure Niall is trying to show me that they haven't really done anything feelings wise.

I know I'm not apart of it yet I hate this pity in which I really can't do anything about it. At least not anymore.


"It's gonna be amazing. Baby everything is set. Just a few more weeks and you and I can officially be forever." Matt looked down at me with a huge smile that was just enough for me to smile back.

"A few weeks. Forever."


"Okay well what about a trip? Like a road trip but like in water..." I tried to not stutter my thought.

"You goof what are you on about?" His laughter brought me back to my original train of thought.

"Lou, I meant us four go together on a trip to all those places we wanted to go. Like a world tour but without performances since that's impossible.." His smile dropped.

"Woah wait. What do you mean? Harry you know I can't do that. At least not anytime soon. I ...Matt and me.." My mood completely dropped 10 levels.

"Yeah sorry. I just thought you'd love to travel the world and go to where One Direction would've been. Maybe even-.. Never mind." He caught me and didn't want to let my last sentence go.

"No what did you have in mind? What do you mean 'Maybe even'?" Louis turned in his seat to look at me more directly. I scooted my outdoor chair angled away from the sun and closer to Louis'.

"Maybe even..join me for the last leg of my tour." His immediate response was to shake his head.

"What the hell Harry? You know I can't.. Couldn't..."

"Lou, I know you can. I don't care if you think you can't sing I know you can. With the passion you have for music that's enough skill to start with. I know you've been dying to write more songs. I don't know why you don't just make one already." Without looking at me he interrupted.

"I have."

I looked at him with a knowing smile. "I knew you couldn't stay away from it. You have real talent Lou. Really." After a moment's silence I asked, "Can I hear it?"
This time he did look up right at me. He started to frantically shake his leg and move his hands around. I grabbed his left hand.

"Hey woah! I hate it when you're shy. You aren't like this.. I know the real Louis Tomlinson. The man that expresses enough with a look than with his tattoos.." I started to trace the broken rope tattoo on his wrist. We sat quietly once more.

Ten minutes later while I had moved onto admiring his dagger and he was looking towards the trees to our right he said, "We'll see."
We shared a smile and went back to admiring the things in front of us.
The sun set and I dreaded even more the next few weeks.


I drove all the way down the road. This was nerve wracking but finally the time. I heard a whine beside me.

"Can I look anytime soon?" Liam tried to grab my hand.

"Li, we're here but keep the blindfold on please." With a huff he sat still again. I couldn't hold back the grin as I got out and went over to take him out of the car.

"Careful. Rock. Hole. Branch! Okay wait here." He let out an exaggerated sigh. I chuckled but made sure everything was still in place. The sand was unbelievably annoying but I got most of it off the table and the plastic chairs.

I walked back to him and right before I untied the blindfold towards the sun. I knew it was this moment. The moment.
Instead of taking off his blindfold I held it to his face as I walked to face him directly again. I leaned in and kissed him. In the moment the blindfold fell off itself as Liam held on to me. For just a second longer and then I decided it was just enough to show him. Pushing him just a bit I nodded behind me. He grinned.

"What's this? Why the sudden ..everything?" He breathed out. I kept smiling at him as I led him to one of the chairs quickly glancing towards the white still on the table.

"I didn't want to just confess everything to you without meaning. Don't think those were the only surprises." He rose an eyebrow at me. I kept the smile on lifting up the picnic basket and grabbed the envelope on the table. I leaned into the table.

"So what first?" I suggested between the two objects and me. He leaned in too.

One goofy kiss later I began to tell him everything. From bootcamp to Rae to Niall and now. How I felt for a long long time. I kept the dreams of messages from Niall to the end.

"He just kept suggesting and after a while I knew he was right. I had to tell you everything. I need you. He knew that...I guess he thinks you need me too." Wiping off his tears his smiled at me.

"Niall. Looking out for us even now.. I knew he is that what he said that day? At the hospital..." I nodded grabbing one of his hands in my empty left one. I kissed it.

"He wanted me to keep you happy.. He knew about what I felt for you. He was trying to lead us together." He choked back a sob.

"Hey hey. Stop please," I used a napkin to wipe his face, "I want you happy. And so that leads me to this." I held up the envelope.

"What, what is it? Please tell me it isn't money because-" I shook my head. We both knew he wouldn't except that.

"Open it." With one last look he took out the contents of the envelope.

"Disney? Really?" His smile was the best thing. He stood up and walked over to hug me properly. "Oh thank you. This really is amazing. I haven't been in years. You...Mr. Malik, are really something." Liam sat on my lap looking over the tickets again. I brought his attention over to me once more.

"I'm yours." And yeah there was another kiss.

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