Chapter 21

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AN: Sorry if this is confusing. I'll type up a summery of this chapter.

Chapter 21

*Later that week*


It's late at night. I hear and see Louis sleeping on his bed to my right. I was still on my bed on the ground but I found it pretty nice.

I can't sleep.

I am tired, very tired but just can't close my eyes.

I sighed and turned away from Louis and towards the window to my left.

I looked into the dark sky. There weren't many stars out and the moon wasn't in view from where I laid. I stared out at particularly nothing.


I was setting up the kettle for more tea. Niall and Zayn were joking in the room next to me and I heard Liam's laughter. I smiled to myself until I felt something was missing, and no it wasn't the fact that I'd forgotten to plug in the kettle.

I turned the device to its side finding the cord and looking for the plug in behind the toaster, reaching out. I sighed in defeat. I got the kettle and moved to another side of the kitchen to set up there.

I heard a bang that caused me to jump. The lads hadn't heard which surprised me. I walked to where I heard the alerting sound and found Lou with his toms in his hand while the other tried to steady him next to the door.

"Heyyy. Howss it goin mate?" He almost gagged speaking. He giggled.

"Uh. Lou. You're drunk? Come ere'." I grabbed his left arm trying to balance his stumbling. He clutched my side and giggled against my neck.

"Woah, okay yes you are drunk." His breathe was heavy with alcohol, so much I couldn't identify what. We stumbled up to our shared rooms. I got him into his bed. I took his toms out of his hand, placing them next to his bed side table. I took his jacket off him, ignoring the childish "brrr" he let out. As I started to push him down to put him at rest he reached out to grab my torso.

"Lou, let go. I'll hug you after you get some sleep." I pet his hair but only made him move closer placing his arms fully around my waist. He sighed in a peaceful way.

I really couldn't leave his side so I got both of us in a better position to sleep not be awkwardly half sitting half leaning towards each other.after being settled next to him under the covers, I kissed and brushed my fingers through his hair. He may be larger and older but it didn't matter; he felt so small in my arms.

I felt his breathing turn slowly into gasps. I worried. He started to hold me closer and I heard a whimper.

He was having a nightmare. I'm pretty sure he started to cry in his sleep. I wiped away his tears from his closed eyes and hugged him back as hard as I could.

If I did wake him up what would I say? What if he wasn't somber when he woke? I left him be and eventually he stopped crying. I sighed out of relief. I covered both of us in his bed sheets and drifted off after making sure he'd be okay for the rest of the night.

When I awoke that morning he didn't lie next to me. That afternoon me and the lads found out that Louis had began to date a girl he met. Of course I was happy. Louis would be less upset and he'd have someone to take care of him... But when I first saw them together a month later it wasn't only a pain that struck me, his 'love' and 'babe' that he called everyday didn't look right to me.

*Back to present*

I should've followed my instinct. I could've provoked a heartbreak sooner if I only listened to my gut, but then again, when do I ever listen to my feelings?

I groaned into the blanket behind me. Just enough to let my frustration out but low enough to keep myself from waking anyone. I fell asleep that way, head facing the ground.

'Mate I don't have much time.'

My vision was blurry. I could recognize the voice but it seemed a little off. I heard and half saw what I think was a part of my dream.

'Harry! You with me?'

The blonde figure snapped his fingers in front of my face. I felt funny..

'Harry, this may or may not be the last time we talk, but I need to tell you about what you are doing.'

The figure grabbed my shoulders tightly.

'Mate, I know you're upset and confused and I get it. But what you do isn't just breaking the girls' hearts that you sleep with, it's breaking you too. I told you life will get better but please, what you are deciding to do isn't right...' I think he was trying to stare into my eyes. I rubbed my eyes trying to focus them but they only got slightly less blurry.

'Think about it Harry. I know I can't persuade you enough.'

He sighed and let go of me.

That's all I remember about what I dreamt. A little later the next day I figured out it was Ni who'd been trying to speak to me.. But how?..


Okay, why didn't anyone tell me being in a dream as a ghost was so tiring?


Louis' POV of flashback:

I stormed out of the office building pushing everyone away in my way. I was furious, way beyond pissed. I got into my car and slammed it shut. I drove out to the nearest gas station and bought a pack of beer and the strongest whatever from the back of the section of alcohol. I went back into my car and sat down opening the first beer.

I took a sip.

'How the hell is this supposed to benefit the band?! I thought talking to management was a good idea but how does hiring a girlfriend improve my situation?

I should've talked to Harry or something. I can't hide this from him. He'll know something was up..'

I slammed my fist against the window. Before I got drunk I drove back to the temporary flat. I parked and instead of getting out I finished the beer and had downed half the liquid I'd bought but never cared to read the name for. It was vile and I almost choked after the first gulp yet I continued to empty the bottle.

I giggled into my fist gulps later. I reached for the door handle fumbling to grab it. I caught my self on the side of the door when getting out and almost falling face forward. I held myself up and pushed the driver's door closed with my back. I held the bottle in my right hand. I took one more sip and threw it, laughing uncontrollably as I heard it slam into a rock and break.

I stumbled to get to the door and finally made it going in and throwing the door to make it close.

I hardly remember getting in bed. I felt Harry's fingers in my hair. It all became a hazy memory. The next morning I have to make it all seem like I'd been okay. That I'd been driven home by a Simon and that I was okay.

Never had I thought I'd like to end up like the broken bottle that laid in between the bushes, hidden from view and alone.

AN: it's starts with Harry not being able to sleep and as he looks out the window there's a flashback. Louis is drunk. Then the flashback ends and Harry is back into the present. He then falls asleep after a conflict with himself. As he sleeps, Niall tries to communicate through his sleep.

The bonus is just where you get to read Louis' perspective of him getting and being drunk.

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