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AN: Basically ending right here right now. There will be a surprising little extra after this. I'm really proud of myself for working on something for so long and pulled through mainly because ya know... old fanfic turned into something more in the end at least for me... Okay no more of this let's get to the end. 

Three Years Later: 


At first it was awkward. Harry and I were in the bathroom for a while that day and when we did eventually leave crazily enough the people that attended for the wedding were eating and weren't in shock when they saw Harry and I walk in. Maybe we were only slightly blind. 

Matt surprisingly took it well. I mean he was hurt of course that I didn't love him in that way but Matt is just the type of person to accept that I found a way to be happy again. I was grateful. 

However just because we'd been friends for so long and realized our true feelings for each other, that didn't mean we didn't fight. There were days I was so stubborn with Harry, I'd buy a train ticket to any place far away. We didn't last a week before I gave in and called him again. In these years I keep forgetting that we both make mistakes and that although I loved the dork I was not supposed to blame myself every time something went wrong. Most of the time I was so afraid that I would lose Harry and so I walked on the train thinking that it would help feel less hurt once he decided himself he didn't love me and that I wasn't worth it. 

But that's stupid of me to think. Because every time i ran back into his arms or when I just saw his brilliant eyes again he proves to me he did think I was his world. That I was worth it. And so in the process of some tough years together I learned to love myself too. To not feel like every thing I did was wrong or feel so insecure. I don't think it would of happened without his help. 

"I'm just around the corner. I'm sorry I'm late." I hung up on Harry as I walked into the new restaurant. I had just finished closing up the library and Harry said he'd treat me to dinner. Why would I refuse?

"Hi! I'm here with my boyfriend Harry St-"

"Right over here." The waitress directed me to a table near the windows in which I could see the city from. I spotted Harry and he got up helping me sit down.

"Hey babe. I hope you aren't too tired?" Harry kissed my cheek an went over to his seat across from me. I smiled at him. 

"Sarah and Jerry wouldn't stop flirting today. I was on alert all day making sure they weren't between bookshelves and sucking each other's faces off." He chuckled. 

"Makes you wonder if you ever wanted that sort of relationship?" I frowned at him confused.

"What do you mean?" We had ordered and started to sip our water. 

"I mean the whole crazy young in love thing and exhilarating displays of affection in public." I shook my head at him. 

"Why would I want that kind of relationship? It's puppy love for teenagers to experience. I've got something much better." I looked right into his eyes and reached for his hand with both of mine. "Why compare other people's lives and love if I think ours the best?" Once he smiled at me I returned the smile.

"Damn I love you. Like I love you so so much. I know being cheesy isn't what you like, but Louis Tomlinson you have no idea how much I am in love with you."  I looked at Harry trying hard to hold back my tears. 

"Harry I love you too." He got up from his seat and kneeled beside me. 

Oh god.


"Louis, I know it took you a while to understand that you're so amazing, but you don't even know how truly beautiful and wonderful and fantastic you are. In my eyes you are the same sight as the night sky. You shine so wonderfully and I'm so glad we've both been able to make this work. We've made it so far with each other and I can not imagine making through the rest of my life with you," Harry took out the small box and I lost my power to hold in my tears. Oh my gosh I was feeling a lot, "I know you think marriage is basically a label and that it's mainly paper work but Louis I want to be with you in each and every way. Including paper work. Lou, would you marry me?" 

"Yes!" I kissed him and held onto him tight. Harry didn't have to plan out a thousand flowers or a trip some where foreign to ask me. Tonight when he asked I felt so much joy and love that a perfect "setting" didn't matter. 


"We're married bros."

"Do not call it that. Who even says that?"

"Best friends who are married, not to each other but I mean.." Zayn gives me another smile. I pat him on the head. 

I loved my wedding day, but something about watching your best friends getting married makes it all the more emotional. Harry and I were there when Zayn proposed to Liam while at Disney, again. It only seemed like the most fitting time. The fireworks before closing were going off and it had been a really nice not hot day. I was in tears watching Liam react. They got married about half a year before me. After coming back from Disney they had adopted a puppy, casually adding on to all of the love going around as they both loved Spot. (Such a basic name I know.) 

The ceremony was beautiful.

Spot was there leading the flower girl with Harry and I behind them. It was held at a park on a warm spring day. Everything wasn't all white and there was a modern diversity of decorations where the flowers decided what they wanted to look like. It felt liberating and peaceful to see Zayn and Liam stand up there with such affection in their eyes. After all we have been through I'm glad we made it to today. 

"Gonna pick up Jon today?" 

"No. Harry is stopping by after his work to see him first. I want to get home and make him his favorite dinner. " 

(Do I even have to type it? ;) )

"I'll see you later then. Liam stayed in with Spot today because he felt sick last night. I'm planning to have a movie marathon with them." I hugged Zayn at the door to his house. 

"Let me know if you watch something good. Jon keeps begging for a new movie to watch during the weekend. It's going to get harder if he grows up watching a movie every night. I can't help it if I spoil him a bit..Zayn?"


"Am I a bad father? Am I going to spoil Jon too much? What if I already have?" Zayn grabbed onto my shoulders. 

"Louis, you're doing a great job. Jon is almost 3 years old and has developed a liking towards movie culture. You and Harry are handling this kid thing really well." I nodded at him. 

"Thanks. I've got to go. I'm off to be the great father I am. Have fun with movie night." I waved Zayn goodbye and walked to my car. 

Jon was a recent addition to our lives. We had adopted him a year and a half ago. We'd been married a short time, but were too excited every time we saw a baby. Even when Eleanor sent us pictures about her 4 year old girl Sydney. 

Life was so good right now. I think back onto our struggles all the time. Niall being the worst lost. I know at heart he was with us trying to encourage us along to one another. I would get dreams of him at times. I would wake up crying, but mainly would thank Niall thousand times over about how he affected my life. 

 I miss you Ni.

 Sometimes I can hear his bubbly laugh. 

Third POV:

Niall  was grinning at Louis. He would see him pick up Jon and hold Harry's hand on their way to bed. Niall would watch Liam at times. Peace filled his soul once he knew Liam didn't have an empty heart anymore. 

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