Chapter 38

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Third POV:

Louis and Matt had planned their wedding where there was a hotel as well and so they had their closest friends join them on their last three weeks leading up to the day.
There was a lot of rushing and tired waiting. In the case of Louis and Harry.. They were both anxious.

We're all going out to a club tonight to celebrate. Louis just looks so fucking happy I thought it's okay to get a little drunk tonight.
As we arrived we got a booth and when the drinks came I could only remember that they kept coming. Tipsy was far from what I felt but I also thought what the hell. I deserve a few more drinks.
So they kept coming.
But his face didn't go away. Not his smile. His eyes. Hair.
I swear I can only hear his loud laugh. There was no thumping music because I only felt his chuckles from his chest.
I stood up not liking where my mind was going. I made my way to the dance floor.

Time for a dance. Time to forget...

The Next Morning

'Where am I?'
The sun shine creeped into the room. I had a seeping headache. My head started to pound harder as I rose up from the unfamiliar bed I woke up in. I blindly searched for my clothes and missing my shirt.
'What the hell...?'
My vision slowly returned as I got accustomed to the light. I feared to look behind me. I didn't want to face whoever it was I got ahold of last night. I was shit wasted.
I recognized brown hair but a feminine shape under the covers. I didn't want to but I knew I had to apologize to this girl for my actions. As soon as I thought it, the girl woke.
Oh fuck no.

"Oh no." She sighed in frustration.
"Harry look I would understand if you didn't want to-" I didn't let her finish as another frightening thought came up.

"Eleanor, do you remember if we were covered?"
She gasped. She started to shake her head and cry.

"I don't know! Oh my god I screwed up. Oh my god, oh my god."

"Okay look, you get yourself checked out. Right now." She got up quickly.

"Woah wait. I know this is probably new to you but that's not how it works." I groaned.

"Shit! Oh fuck." I didn't know what to do.
I walked out giving her some space. Shit. I messed with my best friend's ex-girlfriend.

-A week later-

"Um Harry can I talk to you. In um private?" Eleanor whispered to me.
I nodded and pardoned myself from my mum.
She led us into a private dining room.
"Did you...?" She shook her head.

"Louis caught me wanting to leave this morning and I obviously couldn't go and say that you and I had a thing possibly unprotected and might have a baby!!" I scoffed.

"Fine. I get it," I sighed and ran my hand through my hair in thought,"I'll cause a distraction or something."

"Why don't you just go with her?" I saw Eleanor's look on her face. I knew that voice.
I turned around to see Louis in front of the closed door.


"Go. I'll tell them you guys ran an errand for me. Go."
His voice was stone dull and emotionless. He pointed away from him. I didn't attempt to talk to him and I followed Eleanor out. I have to explain to him later. I just hope I'll get the opportunity.

"Not to worry. She's not pregnant. You two are lucky. I suggest you guys to be careful. Drinking heavily as well can be-" I nodded relived. I could breathe again. Eleanor seemed to share the same feeling.

"Thank you doctor. We'll make sure this doesn't happen again." We excused ourselves.
Even without her pregnant I still did one of the worst mistakes ever. Louis won't ever want to talk to me. He won't ever forgive me.
I don't deserve his forgiveness. I am nothing to him. I put myself in this situation and there's no way back.

"Do you want me to tell him?"

"I think we both should tell him." She nodded agreeing.

"Okay. Here we go. Oh and just so you know, never again." I agreed.
We both walked back into the hotel and found Louis outside by the pool.

"We need to-" He let out a bitter laugh.

"So now it's we? This fling isn't just that. It's more." I shook my head.

"Lou we were drunk." This time he shook his own head but in anger.

"You guys probably don't even have to get drunk to do it again. So what there's a baby or not?" He spit out.

"No. Not..there's no baby." Eleanor sounded as hurt as I am.

"And we wouldn't do it again!" I had to reassure him.

"How am I to believe a couple of liars?! Congrats on a failed pregnancy. I'm sure that won't stop your happiness together. " Louis only gave us one last angry look and stormed into the hotel.

"Jesus Christ... I fucked up." I held my head in my hands. I've lost him again.

Liam and I were settled on the couch cuddling as we heard a door slam. We both got up and left our room to the one next door.
"Louis? Did you just storm in?" There was a thump on the door from the other side.

"Leave me alone." He whispered before I could hear the sob. Liam looked at me concerned.

"Lou, I can't leave you like this. Please tell us what happened." There was no response. "At least let us in. Please."
We waited at the door for a long moment. There was a click. I grabbed the door handle and opened it.
He was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall. Louis hadn't turned on the light and was sitting there looking like the most fragile human on earth.

"Lou.." Liam went down to hold him while sitting with him. I closed the door and sat in front of them.

"Don't believe in real love. At least not true love...and most impossibly for me.." Louis continued to sob. Liam and I could only sit there on the ground confused yet I'm sure he was thinking the same as me. This wasn't about Matt.

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