Chapter 4

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An: I'm gradually getting back into my writing. Sorry for the wait.

Chapter 4


"Sir, we are about to descend and land soon. The seatbelt sign is on; I suggest you should take a precaution." A women's voice woke me up.

I nodded to her and she walked away. I sat up right and rubbed my eyes checking the time on my phone.

' 6:57pm'

My phone had updated while I had slept so there wasn't any difference in its time.


It was almost 7:30 pm when I got out of the airport and through the slide doors.

I was exhausted, ready to lay in my own bed back at my mum's.

I called a taxi, gave the driver my address before checking Twitter.

As I guessed, the reporters were nuts looking for him. A bunch of fans 'claimed' to have seen him in California and Texas. I only shook my head and turned off all thoughts about him.

I decided to have a search for the rest of the guys. Probably not to far from where I am. Should be easy to find their numbers online.

Even if we weren't on stage anymore, well most of us, the media kept an eye out through out the years. On some occasions I came across an old fan, a true directioner who didn't leave at our worst.

I don't exactly know what I'll do when I find one of the lads. I haven't thought this through.....

"We're here."

"Thank you, here." I passed the driver a few pounds.

I climbed out of the taxi and hulled my suitcase up the front steps.

It was almost 9 as I knocked on the door and came face to face with the best women on earth.

"Louis, sweetie. What are you doing here? How are you? I missed you so much!" She hugged me tightly and rushed me inside.

"How're the girls?" I questioned as I walked into the living room. I looked at my mum as she smiled and gestured towards the rooms. I almost sighed as I felt all the good memories come back.


-Christmas time 2010-

It was the first Christmas after I'd met my new best friends. We were on break, allowed to go home for the holidays. Niall had gone to Ireland, Liam with Zayn to his home and Harry with me since our mum's were pleased with the idea of being close.

It was the morning of Christmas. I hardly slept with Harry next to me all night. He had gotten me a matching blanket, blue, in which he had the pink, for my birthday. We talked about worst birthday presents and I tired hard to find out what he had gotten me for Christmas. He refused the whole night.

" Harryyyy. It's morning and Christmas! Wake up!" I jumped on the bed and whispered in his ear. It wasn't as affective as I hoped so I pulled the covers off and started tickling him.

"Wha? No no! Lou! Stoppp...haha.... Lou!!" He tried everything but I was winning!

"What?" I was surprised at the strength he had as he managed to wiggle free and flip us over. He was on top of me, pinning my arms down.

"You know, if we stay here all morning, you'll never get your present?" He smirked down to me.

I realized he was right and plead for him to get off but again he amazed me with his domination. I was the one who is 19 here!

"You have to say 'Harry is the best and I love him' and give me a kiss on the cheek." He never took the smirk off his face. I just about rolled my eyes.

I huffed, "Harry is the best and I love him, but I am still superior." Instead of a kiss I gave him a pinch on the cheek and waited for his retreat.

"Lou, you know you're so stubborn right? Can't admit defeat." I gasped.

"How dare you! I did not lose anything. I was just clearly stating the fact that I'm older, that I'm better. In this case I should be stronger." I do not care how old I'm acting.

"Stubborn..... Alright let's get downstairs." He leaned down and grabbed a hold of my neck.

I wiggled to get free, surprised at his sudden gesture.

"Merry Christmas, Lou." He whispered before he rolled off me. He pulled on his pj bottoms and walked out.

I lay there in a daze. I slowly stood, dressed into a gray sweater and sweats, still holding on to my neck. I kept rubbing my finger on it.

He had marked me. That little monster... As I scampered downstairs I removed my hand, then sat next to Harry himself after giving my mum and sisters a kiss on the cheek each.

Harry raised his eyebrow at me but I only stuck my tongue at him.

Harry had gotten me a bunny, a white bunny with tall white ears and a carrot the same size as the arm length bunny. It was really cute so I decided to keep it on a shelf in my room where I could see it every morning after I wake and every night as I dozed off.

3rd POV

Louis' mum only smiled when she looked at Louis with Harry, that morning or more like every time they were together. She didn't question the mark. She only shared knowing smiles with her best friend Anne.

*end of flashback*


I walked in my old room, my eyes caught on the sight of the bunny. I named it Scott. I don't know it just stuck.

He had dust on his long ears and some on the carrot top as well. I was tempted to touch the soft white fur but refused. I had better things to focus on. Too exhausted to think anymore I fell into my bed and slept.

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