Chapter 20

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AN: this is only just edited. And still short..

Chapter 20


"Matt babe, let me come with you. I'm one of the hosts to the party. You don't need to go shopping for it, especially alone." I pulled on his arm. He shook his head and smiled at me.

"No Lou. You rest up. I'll be quick. I'll be able to get everything done faster if I don't have you to distracting me." He pecked my lips and turned towards the door. He waved at my mum and took a glance behind him to wink at me before I pushed his black haired self out with a lingering kiss. I waved as he walked into his rented car. He smiled as he pulled out of the driveway and headed down the street. I smiled to myself and closed the door. He was too sweet.

"Lou bear, go and check up on the boys. It's almost noon and they have to eat. Go!" She pushed me to the boys' current rooms. My sisters laughed from the living room. I turned to them sticking my tongue out to them. I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I went to check on Liam and Zayn first. I 'aww'ed quietly... They were hugging each other in bed. I decided I would put an alarm; I didn't have the heart to wake them myself. I left silently and entered my room. I felt guilty Harry had spent his night on the ground, but I didn't see an alternative to where he'd sleep. He was facing me and he was curled up; it was adorable. His curls covered his face as he lightly breathed in and out. I was too nice this morning and instead of screaming at him to wake up and get off his lazy arse, I sat down on the ground next to him and started to shake him slightly.

"C'mon Hazza. It's morning... C'mon.." I whispered at him. I got closer to him to get a better look if he was acting or not; I don't like being played with.

"No... Stop it Lou. 10 more minutes.." He replied turning his back to me. I huffed. Okay. I'm starting to lose my nice side. I leaned over his turned body.

I moved his head to get his face away from the ground.

"No. C'mon lazy bum." He fought against me. He took his arms out and grabbed the one closet to him. Woah, he's strong.

"Get off me." He pushed away my arm. Okay, uh no.

"Fine. You want it the hard way." I got up, dusted my self up and walked out. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl. My mom handed me a few ice cubes.

We both chuckled, I love my mom.

I took the bowl with ice cubes into the bathroom and filled up the bowl with a fair amount of cold water.

Yep, I completely lost being Mr. Nice Guy.

I walked again into my room and threw back the blanket around Harry. He sat up with a confused look on his face. I smirked and for a split second he knew what was coming. He ruined my plans by not dodging but by pulling me down and we both got soaked in the ice freezing water.

I gasped and he got off me. He started laughing. I glared at him. He shook out his curls causing me to be furious. More water landed onto my face. Ugh.

"Nice going Lou!" My sister Daisy walked by.

I really had to get that curly bastard back. He grinned and turned to his stuff. Oh Jesus I didn't notice he had no shirt on.

"How are you not freezing asshole?" I pointed to his exposed torso. He looked down and started dancing showing off his abs. I covered my eyes with my arms.

"Oh my god. I just got flashed. I'm scared everyone!" I turned away from him chuckling. I went to my dresser removing my t-shirt...

It was my favorite ninja turtle shirt...

I grabbed a grey sweater and sweats. I put on the sweater and began taking off my pants. I remembered the door was open and shut it by kicking it. I finished getting dressed, mix-matching my socks (c'mon normal sock pairs are boring.)

I grabbed my phone off my bed side table when I heard a clatter.

I covered my mouth with my hand in attempt to hide my laugh. Harry had fallen onto my old trash can near my closet door.

"Mate. Lost that balance of yours?" I joked. He pursed his lips and got up. I left him to do whatever. My job was done. I took the bowl back to my mum and she handed me two clothes as soon as I walked in the kitchen.

"Go and help." I obediently yet unwillingly took the wash clothes and returned to my room. I threw one of the white clothes to Harry. He got to work and I went to dry off my wall and window that were splashed in the incident.

Fortunately, my posters were kept in good shape. I looked around my room inspecting as Harry continued to rub the ground under my bed.

My bunny... The dust and water mixed.. Maybe it was time to wash it or may be even throw it out. I guess I need to look my room over again. I have grown up and some stuff in here seemed pretty useless...

I was staring at the bunny in my right hand. I adjusted the carrot in different directions amusing myself.

"Oh poor Scott. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time." Harry spoke up. He got up from the floor. He reached and petted the white fur on my bunny.

"Did I ever tell you where I got him?" He asked looking down at the bunny still. I shook my head, I was too happy with it to ask.

He grinned and said,"Well I had went with Zayn and Niall to the carnival. It was the one where got all those tickets from remember?" I nodded at the memory, but kept my gaze to my wall. "I'd gone back because I'd seen the second most adorable thing in the world...I used up 30$ to win it."

I laughed quietly. "Wow. You sucked at whatever game it was." I teased him. He half smiled and removed his hand from Scott.

"I'm a bit hungry.." He pointed out the door and I nodded as I understood. He closed the door and left me there in the same place.


I don't think I'll ever throw away my adorable bunny.




"Hi." I grinned down at him. He has cuddled to my left front side. I suspected it was noon since the alarm that woke me said so.

We didn't hurry to get up.

Liam woke up him self. He looked really peaceful.

"C'mon Li. Let's see if there's food left from breakfast." He had a moment where he realized what the time was. He nodded and started towards the kitchen.

When I said id make Liam happy, I mean it.


I had the first restful sleep in forever. When I found out it was noon i freaked, how long had he been awake and how long had Id been hugging him? I ate little food, I felt like I was almost nauseous...

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