Chapter 22

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AN: This was sort of a filler but all events were needed so..

Chapter 22


It was a quiet weekend. Lou's sisters kindly accepted us into their house. Louis' mum was mainly out doing errands, I'd tried to help but she insisted to stay home. I only agreed to stay today because Zayn pointed out that there was more work to be done such as setting up the backyard.

I was outside in front of a patio chair shifting it over and over. I didn't like how it just sat there...

What the hell am I thinking?

I sighed into my hands. I heard a creak and I opened my eyes again. The chair had been removed and instead there was a nice little wooden table. Zayn was setting up some flowers on top of it. He looked up and winked at me.

I did not think of what he did. Nope.

I only mentally thanked him and went to get another table set up.

It should've been emotional, and I knew it would be.

My mum and sister showed, as well as Zayn's mum and sisters, Harry's mum and sister and of course Niall's family.

We all sat outside. For a while we sat in silence, I suspected we were all thinking of him. We soon shared our kind stories and eventually humoring each other we shared his embarrassing encounters with each and every one of us.

I of course spared some.

As we continued to speak we all had kind and caring smiles and tears in our eyes. No one broke down, not even me; I held onto Zayn, listening to Niall's brother about a biking accident that occurred after he dared Niall to. We commented but we kept up the positive mood and smiles. I felt so much love for Niall that one afternoon.

Soon Zayn had started to prepare a barbecue, it might've seemed a little off for a situation like this, but we all were hungry so I helped Zayn to bring out the food. We continued to bring up the happy moments with Ni since we were a big group and he held a piece of all of our hearts.

It became dark and after a few family to family talks everyone got going.

I promised my mum that I'd call her more often.

Later Louis and Matt had left the backyard and gone into the house. Harry laid back in a chair in the far back, he had a beer in his hand. He didn't really talk after everyone left. Louis' sisters and mum had taken the plates back inside with the left overs. Zayn and I volunteered to finish cleaning up.

We laid back after a while.

"Hey Zayn." I said as I let my head fall onto his shoulders. He nodded letting me continue.

"Do you ever just feel like he's here?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I felt his head tilt down towards me, but I decided against looking up to him.

"I mean.. I don't know. It's just a weird feeling I've had for a long while." I don't want to keep talking about it. I felt a little uncomfortable on the topic now.

"Like a dream?" I wanted to nod but then he continued, "As if this whole mess hadn't happened? Yeah I guess. I myself feel like he'll come back again." He hadn't understood. Though I wish I thought that way instead of the long time denial I'm in.

"I'm sorry Li, but we all miss him. You aren't alone." He side hugged me and laid his head on top of mine. I sighed.


"Louis, let's go. I've got something to show you." Matt pulled my hand. I smiled and followed him back inside. We walked into my room and he waited my reaction. I raised my eyebrow as I was suspicious at his anxiousness. I gasped as I looked in.

He had set up a half sized table with a white table cloth over it and a centered small vase with two flowers resting in it.

"Babe, this is so nice. I mean why?..." I looked at him questioningly.

"I can't give my British boyfriend a desert date?" He hugged me from behind. I turned around in his arms, "A desert date?" He smiled up to me, damn him.

"It's your favorite pie.. With," he paused taking something out from the drawer next to the door.

"Seriously Matt you are a kinky lad." I laughed at his 'you are ruining this moment' face as he held up a bottle of whipped cream.

We sat down next to each other and he once again surprised me with the small bowl of strawberries. We fed each other and laughed as we smashed each other's faces with whipped cream. When we finished we shared a few loving and messy kisses; I found it was fun cleaning up each other's faces.

It was so sweet.

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