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Can love end well?



"Fuck off!" He screamed trying to run away from her. She grabbed his wrist, twisting it behind him and smashing his front on the locker. 

"My little kitty has a loud voice, huh?" She whispered in his ear, darkly.

It wasn't a seductive command, it was murderous. His legs shook as her free hand punched right beside his head making a loud sound. She was angry. And he knew he wouldn't survive the day. 

"How dare my little kitty disobey me," She whispered in his ear coldly, she ran her fingers through her black and silver hair in a wolf cut.

She kicked the back of his thigh before spinning him around and throwing a hard punch on his nose causing him to bang his head back on the locker. She smirked thrusting bits of her hair covering her vision, away, before kicking him mercilessly in his stomach, groin, and the place where the sun doesn't shine. Her white crop top with black baggy pants made her look cool.

"MISS HAN EUI!" Their principal had rushed to see the chaos.

He saw no one doing anything, including the teachers. Everyone stood around, cold expressions on their faces as Eui beat up the boy who cried begging for someone to save him. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP HER!" The principal screamed bewildered bringing the teachers out of their trance.

To save their jobs, two male teachers pulled Eui back by her arms even though she was struggling like a wild beast trying to escape.


CONTENT WARNING(There are sensitive words down below)

"She did what?!" Han Soojin sat in front of the principal's table, her eyes wide as she stared at the principal looking back and forth between him and her daughter who sat unbothered by the mess she created with her foot on another leg's knee, staring at her nails. 

"He was innocent-"

"He is a rapist, tsk, innocent," She repeated his words amused. Her remarks caught the attention of the parents taking care of the beaten-up son on the couch beside the table, they looked up staring at her with wide eyes.

"M-Mum da-dad, she's lying, don't listen to her," Jaekyung grew nervous seeing his father's jaw twitch as he heard the words.

"S-She is right," A girl whispered, startling everyone near the door.

No one noticed when she entered but she was determined, determined to save her unnie who helped her best friend. 

"What are you-" Jaekyung shut himself up sensing Eui's deadly eyes glaring at him, her black eyes bore danger and he was terrified. 

And just like that, the girl told everything about her friend to them from how Jaekyung forced himself on her a few days before. He tortured her to the point he didn't even let her scream. But Eui came to save her. Eui was late. The girl was already destroyed. Yet she felt gratitude to know someone was with her and didn't feel disgusted to see her. Eui and the girl who came to the principal were both with the assaulted girl for a week before Eui came back to school to finish Jaekyung.

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