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"I don't like no whips and chains, and you can't tie me down

But you can whip your lovin' on me, baby

Whip your lovin' on me, baby" Eui sang bopping her head to the music as her new family sat around talking with each other by the time the workers cleared the venue. The family was going to have some alone time or as Hyeon stated, it was immediate bonding time.

But little did they know, the disasters were just waiting to be unleashed

It was the end of the wedding and the after-party was over. All the guests had exited the venue. Eui had her head on Namjoon's thigh, singing along with him. 

"Shut up, your voice is so annoying," Jimin dramatically shut his ear.

Eui rolled her eyes singing even louder making Jimin grunt loudly and leave the hall. Namjoon and Eui laughed at him. Rowoon was with them too and his eyes always stole glances at Eui, which she knew, of course.

"Eui, we will have to leave for Hawaii tomorrow," Soojin said coming back after she changed into some casuals. 

"Why? All of a sudden-" Eui stopped herself, she realized the special event and smirked.

"Oh~Honeymoon huh~" Eui wiggled her eyebrows. 

Soojin's face turned pink as Hyeon laughed heartily along with his sons.

"You little dork," Soojin slapped her daughter's shoulder who dramatically acted like it hurt.

"Hope you guys enjoy-" Eui's words were cut short as Jimin's bloody face came into view.

"Attack," He said alerting everyone. Eui observed him more to notice he didn't even have a scratch. He was covered in the enemies' blood.

The boys took out their guns as Hyeon instantly pulled Soojin behind him. Hoseok motioned Rowoon to protect Eui. He nodded pulling out his gun and standing in front of her, blocking her view from what was happening in front of them. 

"Send them out with guards," Jin said nodding towards his parents. Guards had entered and half of them went with Hyeon and Soojin.

"Eui?!" Soojin called Eui but Eui was nowhere to be seen. 

Rowoon looked back only to see blank space and he felt his stomach fall. The brothers looked around, many just as a responsibility but some with love.

"Where did she go?!" Soojin freaked running back. Hyeon was fast enough to pull her back as a bullet flew right where her head was seconds ago.

The brothers along with Rowoon formed a circle around Hyeon and Soojin when more than fifty masked men and women made their way from all sides. Namjoon rotates his gun around his hands shooting every single person right through their heads. No mercy, was the only thought running in his head as images of Eui dashed through his mind. Yoongi beside him was enjoying his homicides as a smirk played on his lips while his hands played with his guns. 

Jimin was covered by Taehyung and Jungkook as he quickly hacked into the elevators of the building blocking it and cutting out the electricity through his phone. He called up some snipers who were now surrounding the building and shooting the enemies. He was now hacking into the main base that is connected to all these assassins' earpieces. Taehyung and Jungkook showed no mercy as both mirrored each other with blank but playful expressions shooting anyone that was in their way. 

Rowoon's eyes still looked around hoping she would come into view and he noticed a glance at her white dress and ran in that direction breaking the circle which was quickly patched up by Yoongi.

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