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Does having a family matter? Does filling the roles of a father and mother make a difference in a person's life? Eui wasn't an ordinary girl. The role of a father in her life was snatched away yet she is successful.

Was she happy though? Did this important role in her life hold such importance? Or was it because the person who filled the role made it more imprinted in her life? He is not here anymore. Yet she seems to find him everywhere. It seemed as though he was watching over her. 

A tall building made of glass. It was brightly shining with lights increasing its elegance. As Eui made her way inside wearing a black dress reaching right above her knees with a black bag, she was stopped by a man clad in an all-black suit.  He was very handsome and looked muscular.

"Miss Han?" He asked she raised an eyebrow before going on her phone and messaging her mom. 

Me: Mom! Some random handsome guy approached me telling me my name! Who is he?!

Prettiest lady: Haha it's my fiance's bodyguard, follow him baby

Eui looked up to find him staring at her with a wide grin. He seemed to have read the messages.

"I'm Kang Seung Ho, please follow me," He bowed a little taking her inside. 

The huge matte black doors with long vertical handles were opened into a magnificent room.

The huge matte black doors with long vertical handles were opened into a magnificent room

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Eui froze seeing the beauty of the place. An elegant man sat right in front of the pink cage-like window, his face shining with a wide smile as she entered. On his right was her mother, an eye smile lightening her face. The opposite of her mother was a tall broad-shoulder man, a handsome glowing face who raised an eyebrow at her arrival. A blank but provoking look on his face. He was her favorite actor, but she had to refrain from the look he gave.

She got her first enemy.

Beside him was a bunny-looking boy, a smirk covering his handsomeness, he was staring at Eui who raised an eyebrow at him. Second enemy. He didn't want a sister, he just thought of it as a burden and someone who would steal his maknae position. 

In front of him was a comparatively short boy, but very handsome, who was smiling at his phone but as soon he saw Eui his smile turned into a blank look and mimicked the bunny boy's look. He was a trouble maker and he knew how to send her flying out of the house. He will send her running out with his twin, another boy who was surprisingly giving her a boxy smile. He was very handsome and waved at her energetically. He was sitting beside Jimin.

In front of the boxy smiling boy and beside the bunny boy was a bored brother. He was more interested in his wine than her. He looked at her bored before going to the menu placed beside his plate. She widened her eyes realizing it was her favorite artist. The one and only Kim Yoongi who was known as Suga or August D. His songs were famous around the world earning him a huge fan base. Ironically, he appeared rarely on any shows. She cleared her throat, stopping herself from squealing. 

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