Chapter 42

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Emily's POV:

I walked into the nearly empty changing room, quickly changing out of my kit into a hoodie and shorts. I said bye to Ava and a few other girls as they left the room. Checking my phone I saw Lucy had texted me saying she was waiting in the car, I replied saying I would be out in a few minutes. Leaving the changing room I had one thing on my mind. Finding my dad.

I made my way back out onto the pitch, scanning the empty stands for him. It didn't take long for me to spot him sat on the last row of chairs. Taking one last breath, it took everything in me not to turn and run the other direction as soon as I saw his face. I began climbing the stairs. It felt like there was thousands of them and it didn't help that I could feel his eyes boring into me. When I reached his row, I stopped in front of him. I could feel my heart beating in my chest but I didn't let it deter me.

He met my eyes and let out a dry chuckle. He could see right through my hard exterior, he knew it was a facade. A shiver ran down my spine as I stood there.

"Finally come to your senses, Emily. You made the right decision, I was beginning to loose my patience." He growled, before he could continue, I stopped him. I instantly regretted it but this needed to happen. He needed to hear this

"Stop talking. I'm not going back with you, you have made my life hell and just as I'm starting to finally be happy you show up demanding I do as you say. You have no right to show up here after what you did to me. You're lucky I haven't called the police yet but if you don't leave me the fuck alone I will, and I'll show them the proof of what you did" I said all in one breath, needing to get it out before I go too scared to talk.

I knew I was done for when his eyebrows snapped together and I saw the rage burning in his eyes.

"What did you just say to me?" He hissed, his voice low and menacing. He began to stand from his chair, his body towering over mine. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket but it felt so distant, I could only focus on his steps, measured and full of anger. I prayed Lucy would find me before he did anything but I knew that was unlikely. I began slowly backing away from him, but my leg's quickly met the row of seats behind me, preventing me from moving any further. I had no where to go, no escape. He closed the distance. Time felt as if it was in slow motion as his hand connected with my face, leaving a stinging sensation on my cheek in its wake.

He grabbed the collar of my top, pushing me back until my feet lifted off the ground. I felt powerless, he strength overpowered me and I let the tears silently fall down my cheeks.

"This isn't optional, Emily. I am your father and you will do as I say" he told me, his tone threatening. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't scream, I was too scared of what he would do if I did. I tried to speak, to beg him to let me go. I would oblige to his demands if he just let me go, but before I could his hand wrapped around my neck, my words dying before they left my mouth. My phone began to vibrate again. My sobs became muffled as my breaths became shorter and more ragged. I needed Lucy.

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