Chapter 44

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Lucy's POV:

After a few minutes I heard a soft knock on the door, i told whoever it was to come in, keeping my voice low as to not startle Emily. She had calmed down a bit now, but her grip remained tight to my hoodie as her head was still buried in my shoulder. As the door slowly opened, my eyes landed on a paramedic, I gave her a small smile which she returned.

"Hey, I'm Lorraine" she said softly making her way over to the chair we were sat on.

"I'm Lucy and this is Emily" I replied for the both of us knowing Emily wasn't in the talking mood and I couldn't blame her.

"Nice to meet you Emily, i just need to do a few checks to make sure you're okay, i won't be long" she said gently as she placed her bag down

I stroked my hand up and down Emily's back, urging her to sit up so Lorraine could see if she was okay but she didn't move, her grip tightening on me

"Em it's okay, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" i whispered in her ear, trying to reassure her.

Emily lifted her head and looked towards Lorraine who have her a warm smile. She sat down on a chair next to me to allow Lorraine to check her over. I sat close by, making sure Emily felt as comfortable as possible.

Lorraine chatted away, explaining everything she was doing and what equipment she was using. I watched as Emily's shoulders became less tense, Lorraine was easing mine and Emily's nerves which I was grateful for.

I stood up, telling Emily I was just calling Keira. I walked to the back of the room staying in her eye line so she knew I was still here but giving me enough distance to speak to Keira without her hearing. I needed to hear her voice right now.
I called Keira and she answers after a few rings

"Hey Luce, everything okay?" She asked, her voice instantly soothing me

"Uh no.. uh can you come back to the stadium. Emily's dad was here and it was bad Keira. I just don't know what to do. I need you" I said, my words tumbling out of my mouth frantically. I was scared, things could've gone much worse tonight. But I knew I had to be strong for Emily in this moment, I couldn't break down, as much as I wanted to.

"Yeah of course. I'll leave now. Is Emily okay?" She asked her voice remaining calm but her words laced with worry

"She's okay, she's with the paramedic now. I should go back over. I'll see you in a bit kei, thank you" I told her as I watched Lorraine finish taking Emily's blood pressure.

I made my way back over to Emily, resting my hand on her shoulder

"Everything looks okay, there will just be a bit of bruising but it should go away in the next week. If you start to feel dizzy or anything like that make sure to get it checked out, okay" she said as she packed her things away. I watched as I took in her words.

I thanked her before she left. Emily looked as if she had zoned out, just staring ahead, her body rigid. I sat down next to her taking her hand in mine as I let her process whatever emotions she was feeling right now. I waited for Keira to arrive.

I wanted to know what was going on outside of the room, if the police were still here and if they had taken Emily's dad away yet. I knew this situation was far from over but I want going to leave Emily alone right now, she needed me next to her and I wasn't going anywhere.

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