Chapter 45

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Lucy's POV:

My phone buzzed on the table next to me, disrupting the silence surrounding us in the room. Emily hadn't moved since the paramedic left. I tried to talk to her, to try and get her to say something, anything but I got no response. Eventually I gave up, I just let her sit there, holding her hand to make sure she knew I was here.

Looking at my phone, Keira had texted me letting me know she was here. I replied telling her to stay in the car and I would bring Emily out to her. Maybe getting her out of this environment where everything happened would get her to calm down slightly. I moved my focus back to Emily, I squeezed her hand trying to get her attention

"Em sweetheart, come on. Keira's outside" I told her gently, as I watched her face, waiting for a response but it didn't come. I stood up hoping she would follow my actions and she did.

I led her through the the building. It was late now, the halls were dark and empty casting an eerie vibe throughout, adding to the unease I was already feeling. I quickly guided us to the exit, trying to avoid any unnecessary interactions.

We got outside and made our way to the dimly lit car park, passing a police car on the way. I hoped it wouldn't startle Emily but the way her eyes stared ahead aimlessly made me think it was okay.

As we approached Keira's car, she stepped out of the drives side and waited for us. As I got closer I could see the worry etched on her features. I couldn't blame her for being worried, Emily looked completely detached from her surroundings, like she was stuck in her own head with no escape. I wish I could help her but I didn't know how.

"Hey kei, thanks for coming" i said relived that she was here. She gave me a small smile as I helped Emily into the passenger seat of her car, giving her temple a soft kiss before closing the door. I moved to the back of the car, wanting to get out of Emily's eye line not wanting her to hear or see me and Keira talking. I don't think she was very aware of anything right now, but I just wanted to be safe.

"What's going on Lucy?" Keira pleaded, scanning my face for any clues

"I don't really know what happened" I sighed, trying to untangle the web of events that were all starting to blur together.

"After you left she didn't come back from the changing room so I went to find her. He was there, he had his hands around her throat Keira. He would've killed her if I didn't get to them in time. I could've lost her. I can't loose her" I told her my voice breaking at the thought, it was terrifying.

Keira's face softened, as she let out a shaky breath. "Oh Luce" she said her voice matching mine. She pulled me into her. I couldn't stop the tears that escaped my eyes. I had tried so hard to hold myself together for Emily's sake but being in Keira's arms, being enveloped by her comforting scent made the walls I had build up immediately start to crumble.

Pulling away after a few minutes, I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath, steadying myself. I needed to go back in there and make sure he never got anywhere near her again.

"Can you sit in the car with her until I come back. I need to talk to the police" I asked, my voice now determined. I had to do this for Emily. I wanted her to feel safe knowing he couldn't put his hands on her again and I would make sure of that.

"Yeah of course. Just be careful okay" Keira said, her voice soft as her eyebrows furrowed with uncertainty.

"I will." I told her, before i pecked her lips. I looked back towards Emily in the car, she was sat still staring ahead, no expression on her face. My heart ached for her, that man had caused her so much pain and he still continued to hurt her.

I walked back towards the building, searching for an officer who could tell me what was going on. I needed answers.

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