Chapter 41

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Emily's POV:

Me and Lucy pulled into the car park of the stadium i would be playing at. Keira was already here, she had texted Lucy saying she was waiting for her in the stands so after Lucy gave me a hug goodbye she went and found her.

There was a buzz of excitement in the changing room as I walked thought the door. I was immediately pulled into a hug by Ava, she was practically vibrating with excitement and it caused me to let out a laugh.

The warm up went by quickly, my mind just focused on the game ahead. I spotted Lucy and Keira in the crowd and sent them a smile and wave which they both reciprocated. They were both wearing caps, trying to minimize the possibility of being recognized and it make me laugh at how silly they looked.

When the whistle blew to signify the start of the game, I took a deep breath steadying myself and my emotions. Whatever I was feeling I was going to put it into this game. I needed an outlet for them and this was the perfect opportunity to get everything out of me.

I didn't look up from the pitch for the whole game, my focus remained solely on winning and nothing was going to change that.

At half time, we made our way back into the changing room and as I downed a bottle of water our coach told us to keep up what we have been doing as we were 1 goal up. Before I walked back onto the pitch, Keira came to the fence that separated the crowd from us and she gave me a few pointers on how I could improve my game which I appreciated.

The second half went by as quick as the first, we scored another goal. I had been the one who hit it into the back of the net causing my teammates to jump on my back. What made my smile gore even wider was seeing the proud look on both Keira and Lucy's face as they shouted my name from the stands. My heart swelled with the realization that I had people who wanted me to succeed and who supported me.

The game finished 2-0 to us and I couldn't be happier. It felt like all my hard work throughout the game had paid off and what I had been through in the last couple of days had helped me and the team succeed. We shook hands with the other team before doing a lap around the pitch to thank the people for coming to watch us play. When I got back to where Lucy and Keira were waiting for me, I was about to show them the chocolate I was gifted when my eyes landed in a figure of a man standing alone a bit away from the rest of the crowd. Focusing closer on him I began to recognize him and when I did I felt my heart stop beating. Why was he here and how the hell did he know I was going to be here too.

Before I could answer Lucy's worried questions at my panicked face I was pulled towards the changing room by Ava. She was telling me we needed to get changed but I couldn't hear her properly. Her words were drowned out by the ringing in my ears that had started as soon as I saw his face.

"You okay?" Ava asked, noticing my lack of response and the way my demeanor had shifted so drastically

"Yeah I- I just need to go to the bathroom quickly" I told her, my words tumbling out of my mouth as I changed my direction and rapidly made my way to the bathroom. Hoping the empty room would help me collect my thoughts. I closed the door behind me and just stared at my shaking body in the mirror. Maybe he was here to scare me, and show me that he meant what he had told me but I already knew that.

Not knowing how else to get him to leave I decided to just speak to him, I didn't know if there was another way to get out of this. Maybe if I told him if he didn't leave me alone I would call the police he would finally listen.

Taking one last deep breath I left the bathroom with a newfound sense of determination. I wouldn't let myself be scared by him anymore. He's not going to bully me into doing what he says.

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