Part 1: Poguelandia

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It's been a month we've been at the island

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It's been a month we've been at the island. I have loved everyday but I can't help but think at any moment my dad will show up and mess it all up again.
I look out into the water and I swear I can see a boat.
"John B?" I say
"Yeah?" John B asks walking towards me.
"What's up?" He asks
"Do you see that?" I ask him
"See what?" John B asks me
"That boat" I tell him pointing
"Boat where?" John B asks me
"Right there! Eleven o'clock. Just under the horizon." I tell him
"I think it's just the whitecaps on the reef" John
B says
"You don't know that. It's right there. I see it." I tell him
"Stella Stella hey hey hey" John B says
"What if it's-" I start to say
"No it's... it's... it's not your dad" John B says
"It's not your brother. Okay?" He says wrapping his arms around me from behind
"I promise." He tells me
"No I'm sure" I tell him
"Trust me. It's okay." He says as kisses my head

We all sit around playing truth or dare.
"John B your turn. Truth or dare?" I ask him
"All right all right. Truth" John B says
"Truth?" I ask him
"Truth!" John B laughs as I toss him the hat I made out of palm leaves.
"This is exciting" Cleo says
"If you could do it all again... what would you do different?" I ask him
"Uh get the gold out before Ward did" JJ says
"Maybe hide the cross a little better" Pope says
"Not yell 'murderer' at Ward maybe" Kie shrugs
"Maybe not try to follow JJ into the rode and almost get hit by a car" Sarah shrugs
"Uh steal a couple bottles of rum before we jumped off the boat?" John B says
"Yeah why didn't you do that actually?" JJ asks him
"Maybe cause I was in a fight to the death?"
John B tells him
"I would look both ways before crossing the street" cleo says
"Yeah my bad. My bad." John b says as I crack up laughing
"Your turn chief" Cleo says
"All right Kie truth or dare?" John B asks putting the hat on her
"Truth" Kie says
"All right. Um if you could go home to your parents house on Figure Eight this instant... would you do it?" John B asks her
"No chance." Kie says shaking her head 
"I seconded that" Sarah nods
"Third" I agree with them
"To no chance!" JJ cheers
"The shower's tempting though" Kie tells them
"Oh 100%" I say
"Ooh I could use a fat shower right now" John B laughs
"JJ truth or dare?" Kie asks
"I mean do you even need to ask?" He says putting the hat on
"Big jump. Nobody's done it yet. Dare." Kie tells him
"Hey wait" JJ says
"Can I can a double dare?" JJ asks
See we added to the game some to make it interesting. If someone's given a dare they can call a double dare and pick who they want. And that person has to do the dare with them
"Why not. Who is it?" Kie says
JJ stand up making his way over to me
"Ella would you join me on a fine evening jump?" He says with a accent
"Game on" I smile jumping up

We both make it to the top of the cliff as we hear them cheering for us
"Send it!" Pope yells
"They're not gonna do it! They're not gonna do it!" Cleo yells
"Oh we won't huh?" JJ yells
"No way" John B says
"They're gonna do it. It's highly dangerous uh zero reward? Yeah they're doing it." Pope says
"JJ and Stel shouldn't be allowed to be a duo" sarah laughs

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