~𝒪𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈~
I never knew it could feel so good to be somebody's Star
John b x OC
Cover made by @disney_fanatic36
Season 1- ✅
Season 2- ✅
Season 3- ✅
Season 4- ✅
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Once we got back to the dock we saw a man getting wheeled away. I froze knowing exactly who that was. "Who's that?" John B asks "It's Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm" a girl tells us "Check out this pic I got. Dead body. Insane." She says "Holy shit" John b says "What kind of boat did he have?" JJ asks "Somehow, that dirtbag copped a brand-new Grady-White. Everyone's out looking for it" the girl tells him Oh my gosh that was scooter Grubbs wife at my house with dad. "Hey star come on" John b says but I don't move "Hey you ok?" He asks me snapping me out of my thoughts "Huh, oh yeah yeah I'm good" I smile before walking off with him
"Okay so um... we didn't see anything. We don't know anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia." Pope says "Actually Pope's right for once. See I agree with you sometimes." JJ stands up "Deny deny deny." JJ says "Guys we can't keep that money" Kie tell them "I agree" I add "Okay. Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans" JJ tells us "We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs. Otherwise it's bad karma" Kie says "Bad karma to be implicated in a felony, too. We gotta go dark" Pope tells us "If that means we get to keep the money then I agree" JJ agrees. "I don't agree." John b says putting his hand of JJ's shoulder "What? Why?" JJ asks "Just think about it. This is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about. Same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole. Shit one time I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas. We're talking about a dirtbag marina rat who's never had more than 40 bucks in his pocket, and all of a sudden, he's got a Grady-White? Just sayin" john b say throwing up his hands
"All right so think about it Pope. How does a marina rat get a Grady-White?" I ask "Prostitution." Pope sighs "Square groupers bro. Okay flying under the radar, no aerial surveillance. They don't do that stuff during a hurricane. What does that mean? JJ?" John B asks "They were straight smugglin" JJ says "Smugglin. And I guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband in that wreck" John B says "Hell yeah. Fish on!" JJ yells We all sit down trying to convince pope "For the record if that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband on the inside of it... it probably belongs to someone else" Pope tells us "Not too important." I tell him "They could come looking for it. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid." Pope says holding the cash "Right. Well stupid things have good outcomes all the time. All we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck. Until then, we just lay low. Just act normal." JJ says "Right. And how exactly do we do that?" Pope sighs "Kegger?" Kie suggests "Aww hell yeah" I smile
We start to set everything up on the beach and people slowly start to show up
You can't understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. It's kinda like a three-layer burrito. There's the crew and our friends, the working-class derelicts from the cut. Then there are the Kooks, the rich second-homers. They re mostly from poncey-ass boarding schools, just rich trustafarian posers. Our natural enemies. And then, there are the Tourons. Totally clueless. Here for a week on vacation with their families. Chum for the sharks.
Not long after I saw Sarah on the other side of the beach and decided to go join her "Sarah!" I yell "Stel!" She yells back "Where have you been?" She asks "Oh you know here and there" I answer
I wanted a better view of the sunset happening so I climbed the buoy standing at the top. "Stella! Stella be careful okay?" Topper tells me helping me down "Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you." He asks me "And I'll tell you the same thing I told Sarah, here and there" I laugh "Alright alright but now be here and there with me" He smiles and I do my best to put on a smile Ok so you're probably wondering is he my boyfriend, friend, ex. I guess you could say he's my friend to some extent. See topper has asked me many many times to be his girlfriend, but every time I tell him the same answer, no. I don't like topper the way he likes me, especially because I know he acts like a stuck up kook. But I still have to see him almost everyday because my family and his family think it would be great if we "spend time with each other" cause "in the future they know we will get married". Stupid I know. His mom is the one who started it all, don't ask me why. But because of my dad I do my best to try and stay friends with everyone. Unfortunately that includes topper.
I turn to see John b staring at me so why topper wasn't looking I singled the "sos" sign to him and I see his face light up in a smile. Also another reason I don't like topper the way he likes me is because I've always had a thing for John B. Kie and Sarah are the only ones who know about it of course but we have a rule, no pogue on pogue macking. Kie's told me to hell with that rule and for me to go for it but I just can't. I don't even know if John B feels the same way and if he doesn't I just completely ruined the whole friendship.
The party went on and I could never find a chance to sneak away from topper unfortunately. It was getting late so Sarah topper and I were going to head back. "Oh wait. Hey hey hey ella!" JJ yells as we pass them "Stella can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ asks me "Id love to but I'm already drunk enough and I don't need my dad seeing me any worse" I laugh "Plus we are leaving" I add "Hey you know what? I'll take it. I'll... Thank you man. I appreciate it." Topper says "That's nice but I didn't ask you. If you said pretty please maybe, but you didn't" JJ taunts him "Oh pretty please" Topper says "Yeah. Ella" JJ starts to say "Pretty please?" Topper asks "You can have it" JJ says giving it to me Topper smacks it out of his hand before I can grab it "She doesn't want it you..." topper starts to say JJ then jumps as Topper. I try to grab Topper while John B tries to grab JJ. "No no no no" John B says to JJ "You're so funny man" JJ tells topper "Hey." Pope says walking up "Dirty Pogues!" Topper yells "Topper shut up!" I yell Then John B pushes Topper back "John B! We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" Pope tells John b "Topper, topper stop" I try to tell him But he didn't listen instead he punched John b causing him to fall, he starts to kick him while saying "Hey John B, don't make me drown you like your old man all right?" He says kicking him again "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" People around us start to chant John B stands up and tackles Topper "John B let it go!" Pope yells. "Guys stop!" I yell "Come on!" JJ yells "Topper! Stop!" I yell at him John b and topper keep fighting punches getting thrown every second "Come on John B!" Pope yells John B punches Topper in the face "That's what I'm talkin' about!" JJ yells "Stop cheering this on idiots!" I yell at pope and JJ "Come on!" John B yells at topper "Yeah you wanna go?" Topper says pushing him "Stop! John B!" Kie yells. "Come on Topper! Lets go!" John b yells "Come on man!" Topper taunts him John B jumps at him but topper pinned him down on the surf "Topper stop!" I yell "Oh my God he's drowning him." I tell JJ I quickly run over and shove topper off of him. Topper jumps up and shoves me down, I stare at him in shock. He looks at me realizing it was me he shoved. "Stella I'm sorry I-" he starts to say getting on his knees to help me up but JJ walks up behind him with a gun to his head "Yeah you know what that is. Your move broski" JJ tells him. "JJ!" Kie yells "Chill!" Pope yells at him "JJ put the gun down" I tell him "Did you say somethin' Ella?" JJ asks me "We're good. We're good" Topper says "Put the gun down!" I yell at JJ standing up "All right? Come on man!" Topper yells "Can you help please? He's obviously not listening to me." I tell Pope and kie JJ moves the gun off of him and turns to everyone on the beach "Okay everyone listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" He yells as he shoots the gun into the air Topper jumps up and grabs my hand I didn't want to go with him, I wanted to stay with John b but I knew that when my dad finds out what happened he's going to want me home. As I walk past kie I quickly whisper something to her "Please make sure he's ok" I tell her She just nods her head at me I run back to the car with Sarah and topper. Topper still had my arm and I yank away. "Let go of me" I tell him "Stella-" he starts to say "No go home topper. You don't get a say after what you just did" I tell him getting in my car with Sarah. Once Sarah gets in I drive back home "Ugh I'm in such deep shit aren't I?" I ask Sarah "Oh most definitely" she answers me