Part 8

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We all settle back into the boat going back home

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We all settle back into the boat going back home. We pull into John b's dock and I've never been happier to see the Château.
"There she is" John B says as we pull in
"Bet it is good to see her old bones right" JJ says
"Welcome home guys" Kie smiles
"You know I gotta be honest. Not exactly looking forward to a check-in at home" Kie tells us
"My parents probably already arranged my funeral." Kie adds
"I predict unpleasantries at the Heyward household after I left the truck in Charleston"
Pope says
"No one knows we're here right?" JJ asks us
"And you two aren't gonna get into any more trouble for showing up 12 hours later." JJ. Says
"Am I right or am I right?" He asks
"You're not wrong" Pope answers
"So that means we have 12 hours to do whatever we want. Huh? A little Pogue fellowship. How does that sound?" JJ smiles
"Let the shit hit the fan tomorrow. Come on." John b cheers
"Yeah!" JJ says
"The cops could be looking for you. It could be really stupid" Sarah says
"Sarah Cameron you've heard of my philosophy right?" JJ asks her
"No." Sarah answers
"Stupid things have good outcomes all the time"
JJ says and all of us mouth the exact words as he says it
"Who's with me?" He asks
"Hell yeah I'm in" I cheer wrapping my arm around JJ

"I never made good grades in school. When I get out I act like a fool. They say I come in the party and cause a commotion. I'm smooth. Yeah call me lotion." Pope starts to rap
"Do it Pope!" JJ says
"Wooo!! Get it pope!" I yell cheering him on

"Come on. Give me... give me that shit!" JJ yells as we all laugh
"Give me it." JJ says as pope and him play a game
"Get it Pope!" Sarah tells
Pope almost falls backwards but gets back up
"Yes! Yeah!" I cheer
"Okay!" JJ says as him and Pope start to wrestle
"Ah! Good good good good good! Get on the leg! Oh!" John b says
Pope manages to get JJ down on the ground
"Pope with the single-leg sweep. You've got a new technique now" John B says
Pope stands up arms in the air happy about his win
"Oh no! No!" I yell as I was cheering for JJ that round
"When did you start wrestling?" John B asks
"I dunno. I'm done. I'm out of here." Pope says walking off
"Did you have too many beers? You want a round two?" JJ asks pope
"Yeah I think I'll take my win" Pope tells him
Kie gets up and follows pope as he walks away.
"Woahhhhh" I laugh
"Way to be discreet!" JJ yells
"I leave and this is what happens," John B says
"Are you blaming me?" JJ asks him
"Just a little bit. Uh-oh. Your boy's out. Beer time." John b tells him standing up
"You guys are the one that died okay?" JJ says
"You had one job man. No Pogue-on-Pogue macking!" I laugh as I hit his arm
"One job really?" JJ asks me
"Yeah really" I say
"Who got you the Phantom? Huh? You ever think about that? Oh actually you know what. Who failed the rule in the first place. You two!" JJ says
"Damn it. That's fair, can't argue with that one" I laugh
"Ha! Take that" JJ laughs
"Hey hey come here look at this" JJ tells John b

As they walk off towards the tree that kie and Sarah had shown me earlier in the day I sit and talk with Sarah.
"They had a funeral for you ya know. Dad and mom. They planned the whole thing" Sarah tells me
"Did you go?" I ask her
"Well duh I went. I thought you died for goodness sake" she laughs
"Right that's my bad.... Was it nice? What type of flowers did they do?" I ask her
"Are you kidding?" She asks me
"No...." I say with a straight face before creaking up laughing
"Yes yes I'm kidding." I laugh
"Where have you been staying?" I ask her
"Uhh I spent a day or two at the house. But I was honestly just packing while I was there. I've been staying with everyone. Some days with JJ some with kie and pope and even some here" she tells me
"I knew you could manage, even without you're twin telling you what to do" I laugh nudging her
"Oh please" she laughs

We turn to see the Kie and Pope pulling off on the pogue
"Oh! All right" JJ yells as Sarah wolf whistles
"Make sure to get some rest guys!" I tease them
"There he goes. He jacked your boat dude"JJ says to John B.
"Pope's poking on the Pogue" John B laughs
"You should probably-" JJ starts to say
"Wait wait wait wait wait." John b says cutting him off
"What?" Sarah asks him
"What was that?" John B asks us
"Your chicken?" JJ asks
"I heard a car door" John B says
JJ starts to cluck like a chicken before I hit him on the arm making him stop

We quickly put the fire out and climb up the tree hiding. Not too long after Rate walks into the yard. We can hear Barry breaking things inside the house before walking outside with rafe.
"Yo! Anything?" Rafe asks him
"No ain't shit in there bro" Barry answers
"No? Nothing?" Rafe asks him
"No nothing Rafe" Barry says again
"They were obviously just here based off the smoke man" Rafe tells him
"Yeah yeah yeah. Great observation Boy Scout" Barry says
"They're not far you know?" Rafe says
"Smokey the Bear! Look at you bro!" Barry laughs
"They gotta be around here somewhere" Rafe tells him
"P4L." Barry laughs looking at the tree trunk
"Well shit." Rafe laughs
"So your sisters' are Pogues for life huh Rafe?
Now who would've thought?" Barry laughs
"Shit!" Rafe yells
"All right chill" Barry says but Rafe pulls out a gun and starts to shoot the tree.
"Hey! Whoa! Hey chill bro! Rafe!" He tells him taking the gun away. A bullet lands right in front of JJ and I put a hand over my mouth trying to be quiet
"Chill your shit! Chill out! You're gonna get our asses busted dawg! Let's bounce. Let's bounce. Let's go!" Barry tells him as they run off

After a while we all finally got down from the tree and go lay down inside trying to get some sleep.
I was laying with John b as he rubbed my head
"I guess it wasn't enough for my brother to shoot me. He just had to almost shot JJ too" I say
"I thought I was going to lose you." John b tells me
"I was so scared. It's like I felt my life drain from me but there was nothing I could do about it. The only thing that kept me trying was you. I knew I couldn't let you be alone so I kept fighting" I tell him
"Now you're stuck with me till death do us part." I add smiling
"There is no person I would rather be with than my beautiful Star" John B smiles then kisses me

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