~𝒪𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈~
I never knew it could feel so good to be somebody's Star
John b x OC
Cover made by @disney_fanatic36
Season 1- ✅
Season 2- ✅
Season 3- ✅
Season 4- ✅
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"Wheezie?" I ask walking around the docks "Come on Wheeze" I say. Just then I hear footsteps walking towards me "Is that you? Wheeze?" I ask But when I look around the corner I see rage there instead "Nah not Wheezie" Rafe says "Where the hell is Wheezie?" I ask him "Don't worry about it." Rafe says stepping towards me, I take a few steps back as he does "Listen... Whoa. It's all good. I.. I just... I just... I needed to talk to you like a little bit. Is that okay?" He asks me "Don't come near me" I tell him. ''Cause... cause what you do affects me okay? You don't... you don't think of that do you?" He asks me "You shot me Rafe" I tell him "That's it right? It's... it's always my fault right? Like uh... you know I... I wanna keep what's mine that I got by my work and I'm the bad guy for trying to... to hold on to it?" Rafe tells me "It's not yours" I tell him "Like I'm wrong to protect what's mine huh?Listen to me okay? The cops are going to talk to you, and... And I need to make sure the story's straight because-" he starts to tell me "You killed Peterkin. My story's straight." I tell him "Listen to me Rafe this would go so much better for you if you would-" I start to say "Who are trying to protect here? Huh?" Rafe asks me "I am trying to do the right thing" I tell him "You're trying to do the right thing?" Rafe asks "I can't-" I start to say "You doing the right thing... No you're not listening to me. You doing the right thing is the reason that you got shot. Because you were following John B" Rafe tells me "John B might get the death penalty because of you!" I yell at him "That! That right there. That's... that's exactly what I'm talking about. You know? You've always been against me." Rafe tells me "No. I haven't Rafe." I tell him shaking my head "Don't shake your head. And you still are. No no no no. You're not just against me. You're... you're against us. We're your family and you're against us. You know Dad always takes your side right? Cause you're gonna cry in front of him like you cried in front of me. But you listen to me. I'm a proactive type of person. And we have a problem and I gotta solve that problem tonight. Do you understand? Do you understand?" He yells and I take off running. "Whoa whoa Stella! Where you going Stella?" He yells chasing after me I run through all the ropes trying to get away but I feel rage grab my arm "No rafe! Stop! Rafe Rafe stop!" I yell but rafe backs me up against a fish tub "It's... it's... it's Stella. It's your sister. Please... please don't." I beg him tears falling out of my eyes "What about me? Huh? You'd have me fried" Rate says then throws me back "No!" I yell I struggle against Rafe's grip as he starts to drown me. He pulls me up again as I gasp for air "You brought this on yourself" Rafe tells me "Rafe!" I scream begging him to stop "This is on you! Your decisions" Rafe says as he dunks me again. I claw at his hands trying to get free but it was no use. I couldn't get out. I held my breath for as long as I could about to give out. Until he lets go, but I was so exhausted I couldn't pull myself up. But at the last second someone pulled me out of the water I sit in the floor coughing up water "Stella! Are you okay?" Topper asks me as I look up at him "Come here. Come on. Are you okay?" He asks me Topper punches Rafe in the face. "If you ever touch her again... if you ever touch her again I'm gonna kill you. You got that? You got that Rafe?" Topper tells him and punches him one more time before coming back to me. "Stella are you okay? Can you breathe?" He asks me. I do my best to nod my head as he helps me up
He takes me back to his wakesetter putting a blanket around me "Hey Topper. Thank you" I tell him "Don't thank me Stella you know I'd do anything for you." He tells me "What were you doing at the dock anyway?" I ask him "I was worried about you. I know somewhere you'll be safe okay?" He tells me and drives off
The next I wake up hearing someone walking in. I jump up to see I'm at Topper's.
"Hey. How you feeling?" He asks me putting down a tray of food "What time is it?" I ask him "I don't know. Why?" He asks "No I need to go." I tell him getting out of bed "Wait. No. You're not going out there where your brother almost killed you. Okay? Just..." Topper says giving me the tray of food. "You're safe here. Have a little food." He tells me I pick up the phone on the tray confused on why it was here "Oh here's a phone so you can get a hold of me and I can get a hold of you. I just wanna make sure you're safe." Topper tells me "Thank you for that Topper. I haven't had a phone since um the storm." I tell him "Stella I thought that you were... I thought I'd never see you again. It's so good to see you. I'm glad you're okay." Topper tells me staring at me for a second "Well eat up. I'm gonna get the Malibu ready. Just let me know if you need anything okay?" He tells me walking away as I just nod my head.
I eat some food quickly and put my shoes back on. I make my way outside to topper to get on the boat to go back to John b's house.