Part 11

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We sit outside on the grass staring at what's left of John b's house

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We sit outside on the grass staring at what's left of John b's house.
"Could've been a faulty electrical wire" Pope says
"Place was all wood. A tinderbox." Kie suggests
"Thing just went up. Boom." Cleo says
"Verdict's in bro. Whoever's up there does not like you. Sorry." JJ tells John b
"Star when did you say the pilot was getting in?" John B asks me
"Probably like an hour? But I mean once he's here my dad says we can leave whenever we want." I tell them
"Okay well as much as I would love to ghost my parents again I can't" Pope tells us
"Pope we're talking El Dorado here" JJ says.
"Can you just slip out the back maybe?" He asks
"Great advice" Kie says
"It always worked for me. How to avoid unpleasant circumstances 101. If there's a problem you don't wanna face it turn that face and keister around and walk the other way." JJ says
"I'm not doing that okay?" Pope says
"I just want you to be there dog." JJ tells him
"I'm gonna be there. I'll meet you at the airstrip in an hour?" Pope says
"Yeah we'll see you there." John b tells him
"One hour Pope. Not a second later." JJ tells him
"Think you should let me talk Pope. Think your mom kinda likes me." Cleo says
"I don't think it's gonna be pleasant for either of us" Pope says as they walk off
"I'm gonna take a stroll back to the shack. For old time's sake. I always wanted to go to South America. Great surf cheap weed." JJ says
"Yeah" John B says
"I should probably go grab some of my stuff." Sarah says
"See you guys on the tarmac" JJ says
"I guess I'll go pack some stuff and break the news to my parents" Kie says

John B and I start making our way to the airstrip.
"Okay so you're sure the pilot's gonna be there?"
John B asks me
"Yes." I tell him
"Your dad's not playing some trick on us? I mean why would he help us Stella?" John b asks me
"John B the plane's gonna be there. The pilot's gonna be there. He promised me it's gonna take us straight down to Orinoco. I believe him." I tell him

John b and I wait there as JJ and sarah show up.
"Dude where is everybody?" JJ asks
"I don't know man" John B says
"We should get in the Twinkie and we should just get 'em" JJ tells us
"Just give 'em five minutes all right?" John B says

We hear a motorbike coming our way. And luckily it's m Pope and Cleo.
"Guys there's Pope and Cleo" I tell them
"Were you guys waiting for us?" Cleo asks us
"Yes we were. You're late." JJ tells him
"Pope did you actually convince your pops this time or..." I say trailing off
"Cleo convinced him" Pope finishes for me
"That's what I'm talking about. I thank you for being a part of my crew." JJ tells her
"Anytime" Cleo smiles
"Hey where's uh... where's Kie?" Pope asks us
"I don't know. It's gotta be her parents dude. They've been up her ass." I tell them
"They must've said she couldn't come. We're gonna have to do this without her." Pope tells us
"No." JJ says
"Give me the keys." JJ asks John b
"No dude. No no no no" John B says
"Gimme the keys" JJ asks again
"It doesn't seem like a good idea right now JJ"
John B tells him
"Just give me an hour" JJ says
"We're not doing this without her. Gimme the keys." He asks again
"Hurry back." John b sighs handing him the keys
"Hurry. Hurry" I tell him
"Just give me a hour" he says again
"You got an hour go" I tell him

After what felt like was forever JJ calls us
"Yo. JJ?" John B asks
"Little change of plans. They did it. They sent Kiara to the wilderness camp." JJ tells us
"Oh no" John B mumbles
"Shit" I say
"So I'm gonna need about eight hours for liberation" JJ says
"Eight hours? I don't have eight hours!
We've got a jet here. We're all waiting." I tell JJ
"I know Ella. I know the clock is ticking. Just hold out as long as you can. If you gotta go we'll meet you there." He tells us
"No we can't... we can't... No listen we can't wait for you" John B says
"I'm working on it!" JJ yells
"Go get her JJ" I tell him
"Luckily I'm a problem solver. Just stay in the Matrix okay? I repeat-" JJ says then hangs up the phone
"JJ? Son of a bitch." John b says
"Yo what's going on? What'd he say?" Pope asks
"I'm gonna kill him" John B groans

We kept waiting for JJ and kie as long as we can. I sit up when I hear a car hoping it was them but I see it's topper
"Oh God" I groan
"Hey Stella. What are you doing?" Topper asks me
"You just seeing John B off or what?" He asks
"I'm sorry I uh... I didn't call. I meant to call you last night." I tell him
"Oh you meant to call me last night? Okay. No it's all good. I was actually asking around myself and heard your dad's plane was here. And I was like Oh that's... that's interesting. Yeah. So are you leaving with him? Are you leaving with him? Yes or no Stella." He asks me but I don't answer.
"You're just... you're just a f... a damn liar Stella Cameron. You've always been a liar. After everything we've been through? This... this is what you're gonna do to me? I'm done. Okay?
You literally just promised John B would go away, you'd stay here with me. I can't keep doing this to myself anymore man." Topper tells me
"Hey, Top. You got a little something right here man." Pope says gesturing to his black eye.
"Why don't you shut up?" Topper scoffs
"How about that? And oh buddy John B you better be glad I didn't swing back at you at the Wreck cause I think you know what would've happened." Topper tells him
"I'm not taking the bait Top. You're right. You would've kicked my ass." John b tells him
"I um heard they're remodeling the Chateau. That's tough man. How'd that happen?" Topper asks him
"What did you just say? No Topper what'd you just say?" John b asks him
"Hey you guys have a nice life all right?" Topper says walking off
"That's what you call a Kook?" Cleo asks us
"Oh yeah. Big-time." Pope answers her

It was almost dark now and we are still waiting for them
"Has he called?" I ask John b
"Have you heard from him?" Pope asks him
"No. Nothing." John b tells us
"We have to go. We don't have eight hours. Topper might've already called the police." I tell them
"Okay. Okay I'll call him" john b says
"Okay" I nod
We hear a motorcycle in the distance coming our way
"Wait. That might be JJ right there" Cleo says but when the bike stops we see it's Rafe and Ward.
And my dad is covered in blood.
"Hey. You're okay Dad. You're okay Dad.
Come on. You're good. Come on help! Help! Hey. Don't just stand there. I need some help please come on." Rafe tells us as dad lets out a yell
"You got it. Keep coming. Come on. Come on you got it. Please! Please!" Rafe says. I don't know what came over me but I run forward to go help him
"What happened?" I ask him
"Let's go on the plane" Rafe says
"Come on." I say helping me up
"You're good. A fisherman spotted him all right?They know he's alive. We gotta get him off the island right now. I got you. I got you. I got you come on." Rafe says helping him on the plane
"Shit this cannot be happening." I mumble pacing
I run onto the plane checking on dad.
"Don't worry he's not coming?" Cleo says to me as I walk back out
"He wasn't supposed to. He stays on this island he gets arrested." I tell them still pacing
"Star I don't think you understand. I don't know if I can get on a plane with that guy." John b tells me
"This is his plane JB. I can't stop him from leaving. But he will still give us a ride to Orinoco so if you don't wanna get on the plane I get it. We'll find another way." I tell him
John b takes a breath then says
"There's no other way. Let's go. If you're going I'm going. It's you and me. Let's get on the plane.
Come on we're getting on the plane. We gotta go." John b tells us
"With them?" Pope asks
"Yes. We don't have any other choice." John b says
"Just stick to the plan. Come on." Cleo says b
"You're gonna be all right. You're gonna be all right." Rafe tells dad as he starts to walk out
"We're not done" Pope says to Rafe.
"Hey. Don't let the devil tempt you Go." Cleo tells pope
"Please take care of him" Rafe tells me
I dont say anything instead I just get on the plane
"Wait Rafe. Rafe!" Dad yells walking towards him
A few seconds later dad comes limping back to his seat
I use a first aid kit cleaning up his wound as best as I can
"That's good. Thank you baby, God bless you. Thank you." He says and I just sit back down next to John b
"John. Thank you too. I know you won't believe it, but... you have nothing to worry about from me. Not anymore. I'm just here to help you. All of you. I have a lot to make up for. For what it's worth... I'm glad your father's alive." Dad tells John b

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