~𝒪𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈~
I never knew it could feel so good to be somebody's Star
John b x OC
Cover made by @disney_fanatic36
Season 1- ✅
Season 2- ✅
Season 3- ✅
Season 4- ✅
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I meet kie while she's working at the wreck, needing to tell her what happened
"Hey so what's up?" She asks me "Ugh so many things" I groan sitting down She sits down across from me "Spill" she says "Well first after we ran off from the lighthouse John b was going on a rant and I hugged him telling him he needed to get it together, but he shoved me away and was about to say something but got cut off my the cops. Even thought I could tell he mad at me I still grabbed the compass to help him. Then after you left I gave it to him and he still didn't look at me, so I told him whenever he figures out why he's mad tell me. Then I saw him on my way to the boat and I thought maybe he was going to talk to me. Nope instead he bumps me then accuses me, saying I told on him to my dad and got him fired which I didn't by the way. So I just walked off so yeah now I'm here" I tell her "What the hell is he thinking?" She asks surprised "Tell me about it" I roll my eyes and put my head on the table Pope runs in "Perfect you're both here. Lets go." He says "Where are we going?" Kie asks "The cemetery" Pope tells us "Why are we going there?" Kie asks him "John B is back on the compass" Pope says "Alright. Stel you coming?" Kie asks "Nope. Have fun without me." I say "Why aren't you coming?" Pope asks "Ask John B" I tell him After they walk out John b comes running in "Um... Hey uh what... what are you doin'?" He asks "What do you think?" I snap "Your nap can wait. We're... we're about to make history." He tells me "You're concocting again" I tell him John B sits down "Yes. Yes I'm concocting. I'm concocting more than I've ever concocted in my life. Look I know you're just being a good friend and... and I know you're not trying to enable me in my delusion but..." he starts to say "Dude" I say "And I'm sorry, I'm sorry for pushing you away I was just so mad at myself and I'm sorry for accusing you cause I know that's not true you would never do that. I'm just- I'm sorry about everything" he tells me "You know what makes me mad" I ask him "What?" He asks "That I can't stay mad at you" I tell him "Sooo you forgive me?" He asks "Yes idiot I forgive you" I tell him "Oh thank-goodness" he lets out a breath
"You mind if I just relax on this one? It's been a long day and a lot of weird stuff's gone down. I'm just gonna lay low. Oh, did you want a hit of this?" He asks pope "I keep the signal clear." He answers "Dude okay. Do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative? If you got creative then..." JJ starts to say "Look I... I know I was wrong about the lighthouse all right? And wrong about everything else going on. But I... I was right about one thing. Okay? My dad is trying to tell me something." John b tells us We pull up to the cemetery and get out "Come on hey. Hey come on." John b says walking off "We're coming we're coming" I say "Okay so you know how you're trying to remember a song and can't remember who sings it?" John B asks "Yeah" Kie answers "So Redfield. This whole time I thought it was a place right? But it's not a place. It's a person." He says "Voi-effing-là" JJ says "See my great-great-grandmother Olivia Redfield. That was her maiden name. Help me with the door. Come on" John B tells us "All right." Pope says "One two three..." John B and Pope try to push the door open. "Are you pushing?" Pope asks "Yeah I'm pushing" John B tells him. "Hold on. I got it." JJ says "This door is like 700 pounds. It's not gonna budge" Pope tells us "We didn't come this far to get this far all right? We got this" JJ tells us Suddenly a snake pops out hissing "A snake!" JJ tells "Whoa whoa whoa!" Pope yells backing up "That's a moccasin all right. Ye olde Dr. Cottonmouth. Death in tall grass." JJ says then starts barking like a dog "JJ shut up. Shut up!" Kie yells. "You're gonna wake the dead man" Pope says "They're afraid of dogs. Everyone knows that man. Wait, hold on." JJ says "What?" John B asks "If there's one there's probably dozens" JJ warns us "What?" Pope asks "All around" JJ adds He starts to bark again "Stop barking at the snakes!" I tell him. "Look John..." Pope starts to say "Just making sure it's clear" JJ tells us "Shut up. John b look. We're not gonna get in there all right? It's not budging. We should probably just go" Pope tells him I grab a flashlight and shine it on the door seeing a small crack at the top "I can get through." I tell them "What? No no no no. You think you're gonna fit through the hole? That hole?" John B asks me "Look this is about your dad. And honestly, I really don't believe in it but you deserve to know the truth. I'll do it." I say "Come on." I tell them "I'll get those" pope says moving branches out of the way. "Give her a boost" John B says holding branches out of the way also "I'm gonna boost you all right." JJ says putting his back against the wall. "I've seen it in the movies several times. Ready?" He asks me "To go inside a grave yeah definitely" I say "Remind me what we're looking for again" I ask john b. "You'll know when you see it" he answers "Hold my flashlight" I tell him "All right,so put your hands right there" JJ tells me "Yep." Yep I nod "Your foot. All right on three" JJ tells me "Alright" I say pushing myself up using JJ's leg "Okay never mind. Just forget about three" JJ says. "I got it. Okay flashlight?" I ask "Yeah here." Pope hands me it through the crack. "You alive? You got like a... a heartbeat and everything?" John B asks me "I'm not dead if that makes you feel better" I tell him "That's good. That's good" John B mumbles "Uh... I need some more light" I tell them "Yeah yeah here. Yeah I gotcha." John B saying holding more light through the crack "Did you find something? Is there gold?" JJ asks "Holy shit" I say