Part 5

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 I let out a groan feeling all the pain at once

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I let out a groan feeling all the pain at once. I'm guessing all the adrenaline running through me wore off.
"Uh..." John B mumbles taking off his Dad's bandana and puts it on my stomach
"I need you to push down okay? Look this is gonna hurt but I need you to push down." He tells me and I let out a gasp of pain as he pushes down "I'm sorry. I know it hurts. We've gotta stop the bleeding. Push down. Push down." He tells me as I put my hand over his pushing down
"Look we gotta take this shirt off. I'm gonna push down. You take the shirt off." He tells me as I struggle to take it off
"Okay here you go. Okay. Okay lean back. Lean back. Just stay as still as possible. I'm gonna call Terrance." John b tells me, I was in so much pain I couldn't even focus on the words Terrance was saying
"Hey look we got it. We got it but listen we have bigger problems. Stella's been shot. Yes she's been shot in the gut. I need your help. We're up in the cane field a mile up on the left. I'm not sure. I'll drop a pin. I don't know how to get here. Hurry. Okay." John b tells him
I look down at my hands covered in blood and it covering my jeans
"Help is on the way okay? Just stay with me." John b tells me

Terrance and Cleo jump out of their truck and run towards us.
"Stella!" Cleo yells helping me into the truck
"I just texted you the address of a doctor! Tell him I sent you!" Terrance tells John B
"Okay and it's a hospital right?" John B asks him
"No. You wanna get caught?" Terrance asks
"I really don't give a shit T. She needs help." John b tells him getting in the truck
"He's better than any of the doctors in that shitcan. He's my guy. He got ya. Stella look you gon' be okay. Okay baby? Just breathe relax. Everything's good. We're gonna meet at the wharf in eight hours. No more. It is hot as hell out there. My guy's good. He's gonna take care of you." Terrance tells me grabbing my hand
"And this is him right?" John b asks holding up his phone
"That's him. He got you. He's a good guy" Terrance tells him
"T? Thank you" I say
"We good baby. Come on. I got you!" Terrance tells me
"Hey hey. You're gonna need some money." Cleo says giving John B the gold.
"John B take care of my girl. Stella! You're a fighter girl!" She says grabbing my hand for a second
"Hold on! Hold on! Go! Go! Go! Go!" She yells

John B starts to drive off following the directions
"What if they... What if they take the gold?" I ask him trying my best to breathe
"Look screw the gold okay? I'll take care of you. We'll get you to the doctor alright." John b tells me
"Your destination is in four miles." The phone says
I groan in pain as my breathing starts to get heavier
"Hey it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. I'm just gonna follow this GPS okay?" He tells me as I try to nod my head.
"Star just hang on. Everything's gonna be fine." He tells me
"Turn left on State Road" the phone says
"Shit." John b says dropping him phone
"Shit! I need the directions." He yells swerving around
"Left at the fork." The phones says
Every second it was getting harder to breathe and stay conscious.
"Star it's okay. It's okay" John B tells me
"John B car!" I yell as best as I could
"Shit!" John B yells I let out a yelp as he turns the car and a pain shoots through me even more.
"Your destination is in 2.3 miles." The phones says

John b slams on the breaks and runs to my side
"Hold on star. I'm coming. I'm coming" John B says
I open the door as John B helps me get out, he wraps his arm around me helping me walk
"Here we go. I got you. Okay. Ready? Let's go. I got you. I got you. I got you." He says as we walk past some people
"You guys know where the doctor is?" He asks them
"In there." The guy points
"Thank you" I breathe out
"Okay. Come on!" John b yells when no one was answering the buzzer
"What do you want?" a man asks
"I'm looking for Dr. Nygard" John B says
"Dr. Nygard's not here" the man says
"Okay well do you know where I can find him?"
John B asks him
"Who are you?" the man asks us
"I'm a friend of Terrance's. Okay look somebody's been shot." John b tells him
"Aw hell. There's a camera above to your left. Look at it and let me see your faces." He tells us and John and I look at the camera.
"All right go through the bar. There's some stairs on the right." He says
"Okay. Thank you. Thank you." John B says helping me walk again
"Let's go." John b says

"Doc!" John B yells
"Bring her in here!" the doctor tells him
"Doc where are you?" John B asks him
"Here! Right here!" the doctor yells
"Hey! Hey!" John B says as we make it to the stairs, we see the doctor standing at the top
"Yeah. Come on. Oh! It's not her head is it?" He asks
"No it's not her head. Come on." John b says helping me up the stairs
"I don't do heads" the doc says
"You're good. You got two more. Two more"
John B tells me
I groan in pain as we finally make it up the stairs
"Ah" the doctor mumbles seeing my shot
"I gotcha" John B tells me
"Go to the left over there" the doc says
"Come on. Almost there" John B tells me
"Ah looks like they got you pretty good didn't they?" the doc tells me
"Where do you want me to put her Doc?" John B asks him
"Take her straight down the hallway here. Damn! She's in worse shape than I am. Put her up there on that table right there." The doc tells him
John B picks me up helps me on the table as I cry out in pain.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" John B says
"It's all right. Hang on a second here" the doc tells us
I groan in pain again letting tears fall from my eyes
"Stay with me. Stay with me. Tell me what to do Doc." John b says with his hands on my face
"Let's have a look at this thing" the doc says
"So what have we got here? Ah. Oh boy." The doc mumbles
"She's... she's gonna be okay right?" John B asks him
"That remains to be seen" the doc tells him
The doc starts to grab things around me but I couldn't focus on what anyone was saying or doing. My eyes started to get heavier and heavier till they finally close

I start open my eyes again seeing John B standing over me.
"JB" I breathe out.
"Hey Star it's me." John B tells me
"Hang on. I gotta go get something. I'll be right back" the doc tells him
"Hey" I say barely even a whisper
"Sleepyhead." John b says trying to smile
"It's not here. Where is it? Shit! Shit!" the doc tells
"JB?" I ask him
John B takes his hand moving some hair out of my face
"Hey. Hey you're okay." He tells me
"I can't feel anything" I tell him
"No no no no no. You're okay. It's okay. Just listen to me" John B says
"God dang! Where is this thing?" I hear the doc yell
"If I don't make it..." I start to say
"Don't talk like that. You're gonna be fine. We'll leave this creepy doctor's office and everything's gonna be okay. I need you to stay with me okay?" John b tells me. I try with everything I have to keep my eyes open but I couldn't. I start to close my eyes as I breathe out a few words for most likely the last time
"I love you JB" I say as my eyes fully close

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