~𝒪𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈~
I never knew it could feel so good to be somebody's Star
John b x OC
Cover made by @disney_fanatic36
Season 1- ✅
Season 2- ✅
Season 3- ✅
Season 4- ✅
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Rafe and I hide in the back of the truck until we start to slow down finally. Rafe and I sit up as I still try to keep my distance from him "I told you we just had to work together. All right. Listen I'm headed out to my boat okay? I can give you a ride out drop you wherever somewhere safe. One thing though. Look at me. I know your friends are on the island. I'm not helping them. All right? I can't trust them okay? I'll give you a ride out not them. Okay?" He tells me "I just want to get off the island." I nod "That's smart. You know you're at least half Kook. Always have been." He tells me "Shut up. Just get me off this island." I tell him
We make it to the dock and luckily no one sees us "Come on. My boat's down here" Rafe tells me as I follow him trying to look normal even though I'm in pajamas. "Make sure your shoes are off" Rafe tells me He gets into a super nice boat. And I can only imagine how much money he spent on it. "Okay we should have enough juice to get us to Saint Lucia no problem. Hey get in the boat. Stella!" He tells me "You're not gonna pull anything if I get in?" I ask him "No I'm not gonna pull anything okay? I'm trying to do you a solid here. You really wanna be back there with Singh or do you wanna be somewhere safe? Can you help me with the bowline?" He asks me as I finally get on the boat. "Thank you." He says I act like I can't get the bow line "Hey uh, I... I can't get it." I tell him "What?" Rafe asks me "I need some help!" I yell "Move." Rafe says coming down to help me As Rafe leans over the railing and I push him off. "Stella!" Rafe yells I ignore him starting the boat "Stella! Where are you going?" Rafe yells at me "Im sorry but i've gotta help my friends!" I tell him "You don't know what you're doing!" Rafe tells me. "I'll find you Stella! I'll find you! Stella you 're gonna regret this shit. Stella! You're done!" Rafe yells at me as I drive off
I get my phone out and text "Meet me at the pin at 6:15. P4L." I send
I get to the dock and wait for the clock to turn 6:15. I look out and see someone who looks like John b "JB?" I ask walking out He turns around to see me. I sprint towards him as he wraps me in his arms. "John B." I say "I'm so happy you're safe" John B smiles as I feel tears falling down my cheeks. "I thought I'd never see you again." I tell him "Yeah but I'm here. I'm here noe. Okay? It's all right. It's all right." He says pulling me in to another hug As we pull apart I see everyone running towards me. Tackling me in a hug "We thought you died" Kie says "Ella God I though I wasn't going to see you again" JJ says
"Is this you?" Pope asks me looking at the boat "What... what is..." Sarah starts to say "Let's just say you wouldn't believe it if I told you. Come on." I tell them "Where'd you get this?" Cleo asks me "Holy shit" John B says "What did they want anyway?" JJ asks me "Denmark's Diary" I answer "Why?" John B asks "I don't know. Said it leads to a treasure that's a lot bigger than the Merchant" I tell him "You're saying there's a bigger treasure?" John B asks "That's what Singh believes" I tell him
I stand with John b off to the side of everyone John b and I stand next to each other "You're sure you're okay?" John B asks me "I'm fine. Just shakin up" I tell him "Did they hurt you?" He asks me "No. No they didn't. I'm good." I tell him "Come on guys! We gotta go!" Cleo tells us "She's right. We gotta hurry." I tell him I hear a bell ring and John b stops "Okay you definitely heard that right?" He asks me "Yeah yeah what is it?" I ask him "Stella that's exactly what my dad would do to call me home. That... that pattern those bells." He tells me "The ding ding ding ding.Star that... that's him calling me home." John b tells me "I know it... Yeah. It... That's..." I stumble over my words. lIt's really weird. But it's not him." I tell him 'Okay how do you know that?" John B asks me "You know why. I'm sorry." I tell him "No no no no no listen. Maybe you get beaten enough you aren't able to see the miracle right in front of you. I mean that's exactly how he used to call me home. Maybe it is him. Maybe the universe is trying to give me a gift and-" he starts to rant "Okay" I say "What?" John B asks surprised "Okay I get it. You wanna go to the tower to go look? Go look. Okay?" I tell him "You sure?" John B asks me "I'm... I'm serious. Hurry." I nod and give him my phone "And take this with you." I tell him "Are you sure?" John B asks me again "Yes. Yes. You don't think I know what you're like? You're gonna drive us both insane if you don't look so go look." I tell him "No wait." John B says putting his hands on my cheeks "I love you Stella Lee Cameron." John B says kissing me "I'll be back." He smiles "Go! I love you!" I yell "I love you!" John B yells taking off running "Hey! John B! What are you doing?" Pope asks him "I'll be right back!" John B yells "What are... What?" Pope asks "Be right back! I love you Stella!" John b yells
We all sit on the boat waiting for John b to get back. It's taking a lot longer than expected, and I'm starting to get anxious. "I can't believe he just took off" Pope says "Guys incoming!" Kie says as we see trucks and motorcycles coming our way. "No no no. That's Singh's men!" Cleo yells "Where's John B?" Pope asks me "He said he'd be back by now" I tell him. "Well he's not! JJ what are we gonna do?" Pope asks him "We gotta make a stand. That's what we gotta do. That's the only option." JJ says "What?" Sarah asks him "We're not splitting up again!" JJ says "Guys y'all didn't see what I saw. He killed Portis! We can't stay here!" I tell them "We're not leaving John B!" JJ says "No Pogue left behind!" Pope says "What are you gonna do?" I ask them "They're here! They're getting closer!" Sarah yells "Damn it!" I yell "We're not splitting up again!" JJ yells "JJ we don't have a choice anymore!" I tell him "Shut up! Shut up!" Pope says I run up the stairs and start the boat. I dont want to leave John b behind but I have no choice. I start to drive off "John B! We need to get John B!" JJ yells "We'll find John B later!" Kie says Singh's men start to get on the dock. "We can't just leave him like that!" JJ says "JJ get down!" I yell as I hear gunshots. "Hold your fire!" I hear someone yell as we pull out of the harbor.