Part 14

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"Come on

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"Come on. We gotta keep moving" John B says as we walk
"Singh and his men can't be far behind us." He tells us
"Keep on that heading northwest. That's the way the hand pointed. That's home." Big John says
"Come on pick it up old man. Let's go" John B says as big John was falling behind.
"I just need a minute" Big John tells us
"You need a minute?" What are you talking about? Come on let's pick it up. Let's go." John b says
"Go on I'll catch up. I just need a minute to catch my breath." Big John says
"Star one sec. We got a straggler" John B tells me
"All right." I nod as  I crouch down for a moment to catching my breath. That's when I hear an eerie whooshing sound.
"Come on Dad" John B says
"Yeah I'm coming. I'm coming," Big John tells him
"Wait. Shh. Listen. Listen. Listen." I tell them
"What is that?" John B asks
"Do you hear that?" I ask them
"What the..." Big John says trailing off.
"What?" John B asks
"Do you remember when you said no tongue but always speaking?" I ask big John
"How do you know that?" Big John asks me
"I heard you talking to yourself" I answer
"Yeah you do do that" John B tells him
"I am nothing but hold everything. No tongue
but always speaking" Big John tells me
"Dad she's onto something" John B says
"Oh my God. It's this way." I say running off

We stop once we are in front of a cave.
"No tongue but always speaking. I am nothing but hold everything" Big John says again
"It's a cave" I say
"That's it" Big John says
"Maybe El Dorado is in a cave" John B says

We start to make our way into the cave unsure of where we're going.
We head further into the cave and see where the light is almost nonexistent.
"This doesn't look like a city of gold" John B says
"It's a big cave. Let's split up look around. There's gotta be a passage or something. Keep your eyes peeled." Big John says
"I don't know Dad. It kinda looks like a dead end.
It's just a hole in the ground. It doesn't go anywhere." John b tells him
"Keep looking" Big John says
"I don't see any other way to go" John B tells him
"This is it." John b says

I bend down and splash some water on the back of my neck. But then I stare at it for a second. And I realize I can't see the bottom of the water.
"JB I think this goes deeper" I say
"Hmm?" John B asks me
"You see the fish? Well they have to come from somewhere." I tell him
"Only one way to find out. They look like they're coming from over here. Hey what is that?" He asks me
"Wait what do you see?" I ask him
"Dad! Hey Dad. Come check this out. Stella found something." John b yells
"I'm coming" Big John says
"There's an opening" John B tells him
"All right that's something. Wait what's that above it? It's... it's a hand." Big John says
"Oh my God." I laugh

"If someone went through this much trouble it's got to be the way"Big John says as John b moves rocks out of the eay
"Looks like we're good. Ready?" John B asks
"Yeah." I nod
"Let's do it" John B says
"I'll never fit through that wormhole. You two go." Big John tells us
"What are you talking about?" John B asks
"Dad we finally found what we think is El Dorado and you're just gonna sit this one out?" John b asks him
"Gotta take the training wheels off sometime, kid. It's time. I'll hold down the fort out here but before you go listen. There was one last part of the message that I didn't tell you." Big John says
"Always keeping secrets huh Pop? Shocker." John b says
"I'm sorry. I'm telling you now. The last part
'The true and patient seeker needs not light to see.' You got it? 'The true and patient seeker needs not light to see.' That's it." Big john tells us
"Okay. Okay." John b nods
"I've got these three flares. They're waterproof. I doubt those flashlights will survive the swim. They're 20 minutes each. And you don't wanna get stuck down there without them. You'll never find your way out. All right? Go. Go. I'm passing the baton over to you kids. You got this boy. I'll be okay. I'll see you when you get back. Thank you Stella." Big John tells us
"You sure you're good?" John B asks him.
"I promise. Now go find that city of gold boy." Big John says
"We're going. Ready?" He asks me
"Yeah." I nod
"Three" John B says
"Two" I say
"One" we say at the same time before going under water

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