~𝒪𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈~
I never knew it could feel so good to be somebody's Star
John b x OC
Cover made by @disney_fanatic36
Season 1- ✅
Season 2- ✅
Season 3- ✅
Season 4- ✅
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"You got rope?" John B asks "Got it" Pope says "Grappling hook?" John B asks "We're not Batman" I tell him "Pulley?" John B asks "Check" Kie tells him. "Dark Clothes?" John B asks "Check" I say "Flashlights?" John B asks "Check" JJ says "All right good. We're ready" John B says "Let's go" Kie tell us "Let's go get rich guys" JJ tells us "Let's go boys" Sarah says "And girls" Kie adds
John b opens the van "Let's go" Pope says "Let's roll" JJ says "Right on" Kie adds
We start walking but John b stops and looks at us "Wait wait. I wanna say thank you guys. Seriously. It means a lot to me that you're here tonight." John b tells us "Always JB" I tell him "Of course man" Pope says as they do the handshake "My man." John b says "All right we done with the circle jerk? Can we go do this?" JJ asks "Let's get that wheat in the water" Pope says "Weed? I'm up for weed" JJ says "He said wheat dumbass" I tell him
We start to walk towards the house but a light turns on "Shit!" I say as we all start back up "Oh shit! Go go go go" John B says. We quickly hid behind some bushes "Flashlights!" Kie tells us "It's on strobe!" JJ tells us "Shh!" John b says "Okay... Okay so she has motion sensor lights" Pope says "We could uh... move really slowly maybe?" JJ suggests. "What?!" Sarah asks him "Yeah that's not how it works" Pope tells him "Oh shit. Let's throw a rock at it" John B "What?!" Kie says this time "Oh yeah that's a really good idea. Let the axe murderer know that we're here" I tell him "Throw a rock at it?" Pope asks "Okay you guys have a better idea?" John B asks us "Literally anything but that" kie says "What about the breaker? In the circuit box on the porch" I say "We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids. And if we were brave enough we'd go all the way up to the porch" I add "We've seen it" Sarah says "No no. You're not going in the house alone" John b tells me "Uhh watch me" I challenge him "Crain chops people into pieces" JJ says "If you believe that but she's like what 85?" Sarah asks "Yeah somethin' like that" JJ says "She's probably barely still kicking" Sarah tells them "I'll go with you" Kie says "Same" sarah says "Wait for our signal" I tell them "Hey! Be safe" John B tells me "We will" I tell him and give him a small kiss before we walk off
"Where are the breakers?" Kie asks "What is this?" She adds as we reach the porch "No no no no. Shit. It goes inside." I say shining my flashlight at the wires
We make are way inside being as quite as possible. I open up the breaker and turn the lights off "Done. Now let's get out of here" I say quietly "I can hear you Leon." We hear Mrs. Crain say We all three run behind a wall hiding "I've been waiting all night!" She yells
She rounds the corner and we all take off running "Shit shit shit shit" I mumble as we run
I turn around to realize kie's not with us "Where kie?!" I ask Sarah "I don't know! She was right behind us" Sarah tell me We hear screaming and take off towards the noise I see Mrs. Crain breaking a door open. I run over and grab her and the fire poker and shove her into a room closing the door. "Leon!!" I hear her yell
"This way! It goes underneath the house!" Sarah tells us as we take off running again "Guys! Guys! Guys!" I yell as we see JJ and pope "Whoa. What's going on?" Pope asks us "Mrs. Crain! She's up there!" Sarah yells "She tried to kill us with a fire poker" Kie tells us. "We gotta get the fuck out of here." I yell "We locked her in the parlor but we gotta go" Sarah tells him "Okay code red" JJ says "We have to go!" Sarah yells again "'Let's go. John B! Get back on man!" JJ yells down the hole "JJ! Hold on man! I'm comin'!" John B yells "Come on!" I yell "Three two one pull!" Pope says We all pull on the rope but we go flying back. "Where the hell is he?" I ask them "John B!" JJ yells "Guys. Sh!" Kie says He hear John b yell something but we couldn't make out what it was "What's he saying?" JJ asks "Guys!" John B yells "Yo he's drowning! We gotta pull him up!" Kie tells us "Hey John B! Get back on the rope. We're gonna pull you back up okay buddy?" Pope tells him "Come on!" Kie yells "Come on! Pull!" Sarah yells "Come on JB!" I yell "Okay everybody help!" JJ says. "Okay I'm on!" John B yells "Let's go" Pope tells us We start pulling the rope with John b actually on it this time "Come on!" Pope yells but a gunshot goes off. "Shit!" Kie yells "Shit!!" I yell "Jesus!" JJ screams "Star! Guys! What the hell?" John B asks "Climb up! Help me! Hang on!" JJ yells "Tie it up now man!" Pope says in a hushed voice "Pope hide!" I tell him Mrs. Crain was walking around a gun in her hand ready to shoot "She can't aim for shit" Kie says "She can't see. She's blind" Sarah adds Then a shoot was aimed and Sarah kie and I "Shit! Go! Go!" I yell She fires again at us "Go! Go!" I yell as we run out "I don't care if she is,that's buckshot!" JJ yells as we run out of the house. "Can we go now?" JJ asks "Just get in the van!" I yell "Come on!" Sarah yells JJ jumps in the drivers seat as we all get in the back "Where is he?" Kie asks "Come on start the car. Go!" Pope yells "John B!" I yell "Why are we always getting shot at?" Pope asks "Come on! John B run!" I yell as I see him running "Come on! Come on!" Kie yells "Wait! Wait wait wait wait!" Pope yells at JJ "Get in!" I yell at him John B jumps in the van covered in, oh God I hope that's not what I think "Oh shit!" Kie says "Oh my God!" Pope yells "Drive JJ!" Sarah yells "Go JJ go!" I yell "Oh my God!" JJ says looking at John b "Are you okay? Did anyone get shot?" JJ asks "No" John B says "I think I'd know if I was shot right?" Kie asks "You look horrible." I tell John b "God you smell like ass" Kie says "What the hell just happened?" Sarah asks him "All-time Pogue Hall of Fame baby" JJ says "Oh hell yeah!" I yell "That bitch is possessed" Kie says "That bitch can't aim" Sarah adds "How does she move that fast?" Pope asks us "Cause she's possessed" I tell him "I don't get it" Pope says "She's blind" Kie tells him "Like Master Yoda" JJ says "It makes no sense scientifically" Pope tells us "She does yoga. Pilates" Kie suggests "What is that?" I ask John b
He holds up a piece of good "No, you didn't!" I yell "We did it baby!" John B yells "No you didn't!" I yell again "I did it!" John B yells "Oh my God!" JJ yells We all start screaming in excitement. A bunch of high school kids just found gold millions of people have been looking for. "That's gold!" JJ yells hitting the top of the van "Wait! Wait!" Kie yells "Holy shit!" John B says "You guys we're gonna be rich" Kie yells "Full Kook!" John B yells "Full Kook! Full Kook! Full Kook! Full Kook! Full Kook! Full Kook!" We all start chanting at we drive off