Part 23

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I take from running to the dock

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I take from running to the dock. I see John b driving away in the boat
"John B!" I yell
"Star... Stella!" John B tells slowing the boat down
"JB. Wait!" I yell
"Star!" John B yells
I get to the end of the dock and he pulls the boat over
"JB." I smile jumping in
"Hey. What are you doing? I didn't think you were coming. You weren't at the dock" John B says
"You were just gonna leave without saying goodbye?" I smile
I pull him into a kiss
"Don't ever leave me again." I tell him pulling him in for another kiss
We hear sirens in the distance and John b starts to drive off.

"It's like the entire sheriff's department. Holy shit." I say
"We'll go dark and let the tide pull us out." John B says turning everything off. Luckily because of the storm all of the lights were shut off. So going dark will be easy
"Sh." He tells me
I hear the thunder rumble making me jump some. John b and I just hold each other as we watch everyone running around looking for him
"We need eyes on the other side of the point. Go" a man says
"We're clear." John b tells me
"Hey. Hey we're gonna make it." I tell him smiling
"Yeah we just gotta go north through the swamp then we just follow the-" John B starts to say
"Follow the North Star. What everything spins around." I finish for him

Suddenly all the lights started to turn on one by one
"John B look. No no no. JB the lights" I say
"Hey we're back up. We got power." I hear someone yell
"Wait. No. No. No. No. Shit!" I say
"Get down get down" John B says trying to turn the engine on again
"Shit!" He says
"What?" I ask
"It's not turning over" he tells me
"What do we do? What do we do?" I ask him
"Check the engine. Check the choke!" John B tells me. I run over and start to squeeze the ball
"Just squeeze the ball Star." He tells me
"I'm squeezing it!" I yell
"Go!" I hear people yell coming for us
"Come on. Come on sweet Jesus" John B mumbles
"Is it working?" I ask him
Just then the engine starts and we start to move
"Oh here we go. Sit down sit down." John b tells me
"Yeah yeah." I say sitting down
We start to drive off the cops following us.
"Hold on hold on hold on. Ready?" John B says then he swings the boat to the left.
"John B! They're coming from around the cut!" I yell as the rain was pouring down hard
"We've gotta go south" John B says
"Into the storm?" I ask him
"Yes into the storm" John B says
As we go south the waves get bigger and the rain pours down even harder. I'm holding on the John b as tight as I could when I hear my dad on the radio
"John B? John B I know you are there son. I know you can hear me and if you love my daughter like I think you love my daughter then you will turn that boat around and come back. You are going into a storm that you cannot survive. John B please I will make it right. I promise you. Come back." My dad says
"No don't listen to him. He's a liar." I tell him
"John B I am begging you. Think of her and turn around" my dad begs him
"John B what are you doing?" I ask him as he picks up the radio
"Ward Cameron do you hear me?" He asks
"Yes. Yes son I'm right here. I'm right here.
Please bring her back okay? We'll work it all out when you get home" dad tells him
"You killed my father and you framed me for a murder I didn't commit. You took everything from me! You took everything from me! But I'm still here. And I swear to God Ward, I will come back one day and take what's mine. So you listen to me all right? I'm comin' for you. I'm coming for you" John B tells him then puts the radio up
"What would you do if I wasn't here?" I ask him
"Look id rather die than go to jail Star" John b tells me
"I'd rather die than be without you" I tell him
I pull him into a quick kiss before we head more into the storm
"Hold on!" John B yells
"Grab onto something!" John B yells
A big wave comes crashing into us and everything goes black.

I open my eyes to see its light out and the whole boat is turned over.
"Star? Star? Stella?" I hear John b yell
"John B?" I say looking around
"Star. Hey." John B says swimming towards me
"I'm coming. Hey. It's all right. I'm coming. I'm coming. Hey. I got you." He says wrapping his arms around me

I hold him tight but when we break apart I see a boat behind me
"It's a boat. Hey... Hey!" I yell waving my hands
"Help! Help! "Hey! Help! Help! Hey!" John b tells
I turn John b around grabbing the gold out of his bag
"Hey! Help!" I yell holding the gold up reflecting it on the sun
"Hey!" I yell
"Help!" John B yells
"Please" I beg
"Oh Star I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." John b says hugging me
Just then we hear the boats horn and they shine their light at us
"JB they see us!" I yell
"Here! We're over here!" John B yells waving
"Yes! Yes! Hey!" I cheer
We keep cheering as the horn keeps going off

"Come on. I got you big boy. Ah come on. I got you. You all right?" the captain asks us
"Yeah" John B says
"Oh man y'all lucky that we came through here" the captain says
"Hey,Larry! Get some coffee on! Boy if we wouldn't have saw y'all y'all'd have been a gone pecan. Anybody I can call let 'em know that you're okay?" He asks us
"We don't really have anybody to call." John b tells him
The captain leads us into a room
"Come on in get warm man. Yo Larry put some soup on too! Watch your step. Come on.
Get in here." He tells us
"Where you at Larry?" He yells
"I'm comin'! I'm comin'!" the man yells back
"Have a seat baby." The captain says
"Thank you" I say sitting down
"Here you go." Larry says giving John b a cup
"You just made my day a whole lot more interesting" the captain says
"Thank you." I say as Larry give me a cup
"Thank you Larry" the captain says
"Yeah sure" Larry says then walks off
"Where in the hell was y'all trying to go?" the captain asks us
"Um...Could you just drop us off at the next port?" I ask him as john b wraps his arms around me
"It doesn't matter where." I add
"I was young and in love once. Turned into a goddamn disaster. It was fun while it lasted though." The captain laughs
"Where'd you say you were going again?" John B asks him
"Nassau" the captain tells him
I smile at John b
"The Bahamas." I say
"The gold" John B says smiling back

Maybe all of this wasn't for nothing.

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